I would like to share with you pictures during the 2nd Feeding and Drug Awareness Program of Bagong Buhay Lodge No. 17 at Ladislao Diwa Elementary School, Cavite City last March 13, 2009; headed by the Worshipful Master, Bro Antonio Paulite II,in collaboration with Ladislao Diwa Elementary School officials. The beneficiaries of the program includes 250 malnourished school children for the Feeding Program and 500Grade 5 students for the Drug Awareness Program.
The first Feeding Program was conducted last February 13, 2009 at the same school, the beneficiaries of the mentioned program includes 250 malnourished students of the school and 500 Grade 6 pupils for the Drug Awareness Program which was lectured by our very own Brother Ed Hernandez
Julito Z. Bernales
Senior Warden
Bagong Buhay Lodge No. 17
Dasmarinas Lodge No. 346
Honorary Member:
St Augustine Lodge No. 300
La Naval Lodge No. 269
[Moderator's note: Sorry did not receive pictures, never the less congratulations to the officers and members of BagongBuhay Lodge No 17. Incidentally, moderator studied in the same school till Grade 5!]
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Earth Hour 2009 - 28 March

Please support by turning off non-essential electronic and electrical equipment in your home and place of business. Better still on Friday, 27 March before going hom; turn off all non-essential equipment at work!
This is on this Saturday, 28 March 2009 between 8:30 to 9:30 PM.
Suggested things to do:
1. Have that romantic candle lit dinner with your partner and/or family and friends.
2. Have a game board bonding with the kids.
3. If you play any non electronic/electrical musical instrument, have a sing-along with family and friends.
4. Have your evening walk, jog or biking coincide with Earth Hour.
5. Have a conversation about anything and everything. When was the last time you had a decent conversation?
6. Meditate and do Yoga with your Zen master.
7. Have a social drink of your favourite wine or beer with friends.
8. I am running out of ideas, do nothing!
9. Sleep early.
10. And if you don't want to sleep early, do something else with your partner... [wink, wink].
But whatever you do, turn off those lights!
"Earth Hour is an annual international event created by the World Wide Fund for Nature/World Wildlife Fund, held on the last Saturday of March, that asks households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights and electrical appliances for one hour to raise awareness towards the need to take action on climate change. It was pioneered by WWF Australia and the Sydney Morning Herald in 2007 and achieved worldwide participation in 2008.
Currently, 80 countries and 750 cities are 'committed to Earth Hour 2009', a huge increase from people participating in 35 countries for Earth Hour 2008. 1 billion 'votes' is the stated aim for Earth Hour 2009 in the context of the pivotal 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference.
The event focused on the reduction of carbon emissions. The United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Bali made clear that signatories to the Kyoto Protocol accept that greenhouse gas emissions reductions of from 25 to 40% are necessary by 2020 to reduce the impact of global warming which is causing sea level rise and numerous other problems. In that context Earth Hour is at best creating awareness to lead to further steps like switching to green power from sources such as wind power or solar power and away from electricity produced by burning fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and petroleum."
Forwarded by:
Jorgen L. Garcia
Nilad Lodge No. 12 F&AM
Forwarded by:
Jorgen L. Garcia
Nilad Lodge No. 12 F&AM
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tour of the Fireflies: 19 April
Brethren, who are into biking for exercise and recreation may want to join this year's Tour of the Fireflies.
This is a yearly event which calls attention to the alarming pollution of the air among other things. This will be on April 19, take off time is 6:30 and will once again start from Tiendesitas.
As in the previous years, the route will take us around Metro Manila on a 50 km leisurely ride which even children (and 75 year olds, mind you!) have taken to.
If you want, we can all ride together. Let's set an assembly point in Tiendesitas. Bring your helmets and sunblocks. Tara na mga bro! Shake the web off them legs!
Teddy Lopez
Bagumbayan Lodge # 4 GLP
According to Wikipedia, "The Firefly Brigade is a Philippines citizen's action group formed in 1999 to work for clean air and a habitable, people-friendly environment in our cities.
"The fireflies have fled the city because they could not stand its dirty air. All of us cyclists, pedestrians, commuters, even those who ride cars who live, work and raise families in the city may suffer the same fate. We continue to dirty our city's air with polluting vehicles and factories. As a result, we also risk disappearing like the fireflies. Why resign ourselves to this fate? We have a choice. We can fight for clean air and bring the fireflies back.
"The group organizes an annual cycling caravan known as the Tour of the Fireflies. The tour attracts bikers from all walks of life and of all ages for a treat of a bike tour around the cities of Metro Manila; as well as promote cycling as an environment friendly and healthy form of transportation around the cities."
According to Clean Air Initiative: "The Firefly Brigade is a non-stock, non-profit, and SEC-registered citizen’s volunteer action group which works for clean air and a habitable, people-friendly environment in our cities."
While it is considered a fun ride, there is somewhat a serious purpose to this yearly event; much like the monthly San Francisco's critical mass bike ride. The group [which was also known as Manila Critical Mass] was started by artist Mary Katherine Sta Ana.
This is a yearly event which calls attention to the alarming pollution of the air among other things. This will be on April 19, take off time is 6:30 and will once again start from Tiendesitas.
As in the previous years, the route will take us around Metro Manila on a 50 km leisurely ride which even children (and 75 year olds, mind you!) have taken to.
If you want, we can all ride together. Let's set an assembly point in Tiendesitas. Bring your helmets and sunblocks. Tara na mga bro! Shake the web off them legs!
Teddy Lopez
Bagumbayan Lodge # 4 GLP
According to Wikipedia, "The Firefly Brigade is a Philippines citizen's action group formed in 1999 to work for clean air and a habitable, people-friendly environment in our cities.
"The fireflies have fled the city because they could not stand its dirty air. All of us cyclists, pedestrians, commuters, even those who ride cars who live, work and raise families in the city may suffer the same fate. We continue to dirty our city's air with polluting vehicles and factories. As a result, we also risk disappearing like the fireflies. Why resign ourselves to this fate? We have a choice. We can fight for clean air and bring the fireflies back.
"The group organizes an annual cycling caravan known as the Tour of the Fireflies. The tour attracts bikers from all walks of life and of all ages for a treat of a bike tour around the cities of Metro Manila; as well as promote cycling as an environment friendly and healthy form of transportation around the cities."
According to Clean Air Initiative: "The Firefly Brigade is a non-stock, non-profit, and SEC-registered citizen’s volunteer action group which works for clean air and a habitable, people-friendly environment in our cities."
While it is considered a fun ride, there is somewhat a serious purpose to this yearly event; much like the monthly San Francisco's critical mass bike ride. The group [which was also known as Manila Critical Mass] was started by artist Mary Katherine Sta Ana.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
MW Bro Simeon Rene Lacson Drops Working Tools: 23 March 2009
MW Simeon Rene T. Lacson
(April 21, 1918 - March 23, 2009)
Masonic Funeral Rites: 6:30 PM March 25, 2009
MW Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of the Philippines
MW Bro Simeon Rene Lacson, Past Grand Master 1981, dropped his working tools March 23, 2009.
Body lies in state at Loyola Sucat, Paranaque
Jose Rizal Lodge No. 22,
District NCR-C
Grand Lodge of the Philippines
MW Bro Simeon Rene Lacson, PGM GLP, dropped his working tools around 2:15 PM today. His remains will be brought to Loyola Sucat tonight. No further info. (FROM BRO. JOJO ATIENZA)
Ernesto S. Salas Memorial Lodge #280 Bacolod City
MW Bro Simeon Rene Lacson - 21 April 1918 - 23 March 2009
Biographical Excerpt - GLPhils
"Taking root in F. D. Roosevelt Memorial Lodge No. 81 as Master Mason on the 7th of March 1970, he took his membership to heart, so that, the year after, he was elected as Worshipful Master of his Lodge. Seeing that their Lodge was becoming a beehive of activities, the Brethren gave him another year to implement his program of direction. There was, from then on, no stopping Simeon Rene Lacson.
"By 1973, he was appointed by no less than Grand Master Ruperto Demonteverde, Sr. as the Grand Standard Bearer. Then in 1975 he was made the Grand Bible Bearer by Grand Master Teodoro Kalaw, Jr. Phenomenal! That was how his rise was described. He literally involved himself in all the allied and appendant Bodies of Masonry existing in Manila, seemingly to make up for "lost" time.
"Before he became a member of the Craft, he was President of Lacson Colleges and of the Philippine Law School. As such, he was active in the Lions Club, having joined the Pasay City Lions Club in 1951. In 1954, he became President of the club. Then years afterwards, he was elected District Governor of Lions District 301-A, Lions International. In 1968, he served the civic organization once more and went on to be rated as one-hundred-percent District Governor, one of only eleven one hundred percenters among the fifty-odd who have served as District Governor in Philippine Lionism.
"Civic-minded Rene has also served, for four decades, the Pasay City Chapter of the Philippine Red Cross. Also, he is past Chairman and President of the Pasay Chest Clinic for the Philippine Anti-Tuberculosis Society. He has also served as member of the Board of Directors of this Society for decades. The Philippine Cancer Society and Boy Scouts, Pasay City Chapter, are two other organisations he was an active member of. A member of the Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor, he served as Post Commander of Post 37, American Legion, for three consecutive terms.
"After finishing his Law studies at the Philippine Law School, Lacson was called to active duty and inducted in the United States Armed Forces in the Far East (USAFFE). He was designated Executive Officer of "C" Company, 1st Battalion, 72nd Infantry Regiment - one of the three infantry regiments of the 71st division that were mobilised in Negros Occidental.
"Luckily, he survived the death march from the vanquished US Army bastion in Bataan to the internment camp in Capas, Tarlac.
"After fifty-nine thousand deaths later," continued Rene, I was made burial-officer-of-the-day. It was my misfortune to keep count of the dead we buried. I was released in November of 1942. Thank God, it was not much later!"
A year and a half after his release, he joined the East Central Luzon Guerrilla Area (ECLGA) operating within the Manila and suburbs. He recalled: "I served the Army, after liberation in 1945 and remained in the service doing routine duties until 1948."
"Mustered out of military service, he forthwith assumed the position of Registrar-Comptroller of the Philippine Law School and of Lacson College, both being wholly owned by his family. Later on, when his uncle passed away in 1960, he became President of both schools.
"Rene, recalling fond memories of Intramuros in Manila ante bellum, casually confessed:
"I consider myself ethnically a native of Silay City, where all my folks came from, although I was born at the old St. Paul Hospital in Intramuros, Manila, on April 21, 1918. This "accident" of birth was due to the fact that my family was in Manila at that time, where my father, Simeon C. Lacson, was a practicing lawyer. Unfortunately, he died in 1926. I was eight years old at the time of his death."
"In 1969, together with a group of friends and business associates, he incorporated the Carmen Mindanao Mining Co., Inc. Since then, he has served the company as Vice-President for International Affairs. Likewise, he was the President of the Gumban Copper Mines Inc., with mining claims in Basay, Negros Oriental. This farmer gentleman was actively engaged in sugar planting, with sugar plantations in Silay City, Saravia, Victorias and Cadiz, Negros Occidental.
"Rene certainly has had many a love in both the business and the civic world. But his dedication to Masonry is without parallel. In 1978, eight years after he had been raised as Master Mason, he was elected Junior Grand Warden. From then on he moved up until he became Grand Master. (SPF)"
Visit the Elders Program
Hello Brethren,
On behalf of Indang Masonic Lodge No. 115, we would like to share with you some of the pictures taken during the kick-off of our "Visit The Elders" program last March 14, 2009.
"Visit The Elders" program is our way of paying respect and courtesy visit to our members of Indang Masonic Lodge No. 115 who served as pillars of our mother lodge during their high times.
This program is being led by our SW Bro Rodolfo Marero and WB Rolando Sicat. We were able to visit WB Herminio Soberano, Bros. Mario Del Rosario, Guillermo Mojica and Rafael Herrera last March 14. We'll visit the other elder brothers, their widows and orphans in the upcoming months.
May the blessings of Heaven rest upon us and all regular masons. Let's continue to cement the brick of life through the mortar of brotherly love, relief and truth.
On The Level,
Bro Elmer Astudillo
WM - Indang Masonic Lodge No. 115
Masonic District Region IV-A MWGLP
[Mod note: Unfortunately did not receive attached pictures, sorry.]
On behalf of Indang Masonic Lodge No. 115, we would like to share with you some of the pictures taken during the kick-off of our "Visit The Elders" program last March 14, 2009.
"Visit The Elders" program is our way of paying respect and courtesy visit to our members of Indang Masonic Lodge No. 115 who served as pillars of our mother lodge during their high times.
This program is being led by our SW Bro Rodolfo Marero and WB Rolando Sicat. We were able to visit WB Herminio Soberano, Bros. Mario Del Rosario, Guillermo Mojica and Rafael Herrera last March 14. We'll visit the other elder brothers, their widows and orphans in the upcoming months.
May the blessings of Heaven rest upon us and all regular masons. Let's continue to cement the brick of life through the mortar of brotherly love, relief and truth.
On The Level,
Bro Elmer Astudillo
WM - Indang Masonic Lodge No. 115
Masonic District Region IV-A MWGLP
[Mod note: Unfortunately did not receive attached pictures, sorry.]
Monday, March 23, 2009
"Sunshine Visit" to WBro Col Ariel Querubin
16 March 2009 "Sunshine Trip to Bro Col Ariel Querubin"
The first time I heard of WBro Col. Ariel Querubin was about three years ago, during a news flash on the TV with Special Forces WBro Gen. Danilo Lim, and for that incident, the Brothers are currently confined in a military jail. Subsequently now and then, I heard and read things through the media about our Brother Ariel, and mostly from our WM Arnel Querubin, a cousin.
From which my admiration and interest to learn more about him developed and intensified especially when I learned he is with the Craft.
A graduate of the Philippine Military Academy (PMA), veteran of countless wars mostly in Mindanao, seriously wounded countless times as a result, and is a recipient of many medals and awards including the most coveted and highest Medal of Valor. According to him, he might be the only active military personnel who have fought against the NPA, MNLF, MILF and the Abu Sayaf.
So on the 14th of March 2009, I jumped in for the chance with the Brethren of Ang Tipolo Lodge No. 334 to pay a visit to our Worthy Brother at Camp Aguinaldo, who has been jailed for almost three years now.
We were introduced to a pious, gentle, calm mannered man completely the opposite of my expectations to that supposedly intimidating personality of a renegade "gung ho" marine, the like of John Wayne. Rather; for five excited hours, behind his melancholic way of expressing his thought, you can feel the intelligence and charisma radiating out of his personality.
WBro Ariel captivated us with heroic stories about his military exploitations, love of God and country and lots of wisdom. To me having a chance talking and listening with an "Officer and a Gentleman", is an honor not a privilege. Also we encountered and talked with the following soldiers confined in the same building: Capt. Ervin Divinagracia [Scout Ranger, Liaison Officer, Philippine Army] and SSG Francisco Bosi Jr. [Force Recon, Philippine Marines].
Sunshine Trip Attendees were: WM Arnel Querubin and family, VWBro Rico Castor, WBro Tab Bocek and family, WBro Roger Panganiban, Bro. Marlon Castor, Bro SW Frederick Gomez, Bro JW P. Duldulao, Bro Erwin Diego (Gonzaga Lodge No. 66) and Petitioner Erwin Quintos. De Molays present were Eric Nieva, Ralph Cocjin and Hanz Bocek.
Bro. P. Duldulao, Junior Warden
Ang Tipolo Lodge No.334
Emailed by WBro. Gustav Joseph O. Bocek
Ang Tipolo Lodge No.334
Batasan Lodge, U.D.
Rizal Bodies, AASR
Lope K. Santos Chapter, Order of DeMolay
"Who is Col Ariel Querubin?" PCIJ article, click here.
Ang Tipolo Lodge 334,
Bro Ariel O Querubin,
Friday, March 20, 2009
Loyalty Chapter Golf Tournament: 28 March
Brethren and All,
The Loyalty Chapter, Order of DeMolay is celebrating its 60th Anniversary this March 2009.
It has produced many illustrious gentlemen in business, mdicine, government, education and even Masonry; one of which is MW Bro Pacifico "Boy" Aniag ['68 Chev, LOH].
To celebrate 60 years of tradition and heritage we are inviting Masons, Senior DeMolays (of other chapters) and the general public as well to join us in the:
See you there!
Bro Jojo Javier
Congratulations to our DeMolay [both active and Senior] brethren at Loyalty Chapter, Order of DeMolay on your 60th Founding Anniversary!
See related post, click here.
The Loyalty Chapter, Order of DeMolay is celebrating its 60th Anniversary this March 2009.
It has produced many illustrious gentlemen in business, mdicine, government, education and even Masonry; one of which is MW Bro Pacifico "Boy" Aniag ['68 Chev, LOH].
To celebrate 60 years of tradition and heritage we are inviting Masons, Senior DeMolays (of other chapters) and the general public as well to join us in the:
March 28, 2009 at Club Intramuros
Tee Off Time - 9:00 AM
[Callaway System]
Tickets are at Php 2,000.00
See you there!
Bro Jojo Javier
Congratulations to our DeMolay [both active and Senior] brethren at Loyalty Chapter, Order of DeMolay on your 60th Founding Anniversary!
See related post, click here.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
2009 Worshipful Master's Cup: 21-22 March
You are all cordially invited to join Nueva Ecija Lodge # 73 "2009 Worshipful Master's Cup" to be held on March 21-22, 2009 at TONESA Firing Range, Marco Polo Resort, Sto. Domingo, Nueva Ecija.
Details as follows:
Registration: PhP700 for handgun; PhP500 for shotgun.
For further details, please contact:
Councilor Bro. Leonido DL. De Guzman, Jr.
Col. WBro Laverne "Tsip" Manangbao
Trophies and prizes at stake.
See you all and enjoy your hits.
Kuya Luis "Louie" Alejandre I. Tamani
Past Master
Nueva Ecija Lodge No. 73
Quezon, Nueva Ecija
[Personal details deleted for privacy. Moderator]
You are all cordially invited to join Nueva Ecija Lodge # 73 "2009 Worshipful Master's Cup" to be held on March 21-22, 2009 at TONESA Firing Range, Marco Polo Resort, Sto. Domingo, Nueva Ecija.
Details as follows:
Level 1 (All Steel) PPSA Sanctioned Match
5 stages for handguns
5 stages for shotgun
Min. No. of Rounds: 120 - handgun; 90 - shotgun
Registration: PhP700 for handgun; PhP500 for shotgun.
For further details, please contact:
Councilor Bro. Leonido DL. De Guzman, Jr.
Col. WBro Laverne "Tsip" Manangbao
Trophies and prizes at stake.
See you all and enjoy your hits.
Kuya Luis "Louie" Alejandre I. Tamani
Past Master
Nueva Ecija Lodge No. 73
Quezon, Nueva Ecija
[Personal details deleted for privacy. Moderator]
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Rusty Trowel Degree: 24 March 2009

Reason: Bringing back non-attending Brother into the Lodge
Moderators: WBro Gene Goldman, PM & WBro Bill Byous, PM
Date: March 24, 2009 - Tuesday at 6pm
Venue: Black Mountain Lodge No 845, Scottish Rite Center,
1895 Camino Del Rio South, San Diego, CA 92108
My Dear Brethren in Freemasonry,
The main purpose of this invitation is to encourage "Sojourners" and all Master Masons who possess a valid dues card or can be vouched for. Not just members of our Lodge, but Brethren from any regular Lodges, who have not attended Lodge for a long time to come back to the Masonic Lodge.
This program is specially designed to refresh your memory regarding the passwords and signs of all three (3) Blue Lodge Degrees. This training is not to challenge you but to help you feel at ease with what maybe forgotten ritual and for bringing your confidence into the lodge; thereby, helping the Lodge to increase its attendance at Lodge meetings. It also touches on Lodge customs and reviews the mysteries and legends of Freemasonry as taught in the ritual.
Please feel free to invite fellow Master Mason who have not attended Lodge recently, and extend him an invitation to join us in fraternal fellowship.
Light refreshments will be provided after the program, together with good fellowship. Reservations are not required, but to insure ample refreshments, it is suggested that you contact our Secretary, Bro Howard "Tony" McGill, Past Master or myself.
Bro Jim L. Desquitado,
Worshipful Master
Black Mountain Lodge No 845
Theme: Worry Free...Freemasonry
Motto: We the Best shall jive to thrive and strive to survive!
Cornucopia Business Network - 18 March Meeting
Dear Brethren,
If you have a business or would like to get into business, here's an opportunity for you to get connected with the people, products and services that you need to grow your enterprise FOR FREE!
Join the next CORNUCOPIA meeting on March 18, 2009, Wednesday, between 6 to 8 PM; at the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Restaurant, Gateway Mall, Araneta Center, Cubao, Quezon City.
CORNUCOPIA is a volunteer group of Masons and non-Masons that exchanges referrals for clients, suppliers, partners, funders, etc. for various business needs. For more information, videos and pictures about the group, you may visit our website at
For brods who can not personally make it to the meeting because of time and/or geographical constraints, you may still hook up with us through my Sun Cellular phone. Simply text or give me your need at least a few hours before the meeting so that I can make a pitch for you, and if there are takers, turn over my cell to them so you could have a brief chat.
Joel S. Ferrer
CORNUCOPIA is a FREE business support group that I formed which provides assistance to current and aspiring entrepreneurs primarily through the exchange of client, supplier, partner, funder, etc. referrals.
CORNUCOPIA works closely with the Philippine Venture Capital Investment Group (PVCIG), a 21 year old business forum that meets once a month at the Asian Institute of Management (AIM) in Makati. Aside from joining our meetings,other brother masons have joined our Yahoo! Group and have likewise benefited through our online interaction.
CORNUCOPIA is not a Masonic organization so over there we dispense with our usual Masonic protocol and modes of recognition.
Bro Joel S. Ferrer
If you have a business or would like to get into business, here's an opportunity for you to get connected with the people, products and services that you need to grow your enterprise FOR FREE!
Join the next CORNUCOPIA meeting on March 18, 2009, Wednesday, between 6 to 8 PM; at the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Restaurant, Gateway Mall, Araneta Center, Cubao, Quezon City.
CORNUCOPIA is a volunteer group of Masons and non-Masons that exchanges referrals for clients, suppliers, partners, funders, etc. for various business needs. For more information, videos and pictures about the group, you may visit our website at
For brods who can not personally make it to the meeting because of time and/or geographical constraints, you may still hook up with us through my Sun Cellular phone. Simply text or give me your need at least a few hours before the meeting so that I can make a pitch for you, and if there are takers, turn over my cell to them so you could have a brief chat.
Joel S. Ferrer
CORNUCOPIA is a FREE business support group that I formed which provides assistance to current and aspiring entrepreneurs primarily through the exchange of client, supplier, partner, funder, etc. referrals.
CORNUCOPIA works closely with the Philippine Venture Capital Investment Group (PVCIG), a 21 year old business forum that meets once a month at the Asian Institute of Management (AIM) in Makati. Aside from joining our meetings,other brother masons have joined our Yahoo! Group and have likewise benefited through our online interaction.
CORNUCOPIA is not a Masonic organization so over there we dispense with our usual Masonic protocol and modes of recognition.
Bro Joel S. Ferrer
Bro Joel S Ferrer,
business networking,
Pinoy officers: Grand Lodge of Japan
Please help me in congratulating the following members of this group who were either elected or appointed this evening [13 March 2009] during the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Japan:
WBro Victor Ortiz - Junior Grand Warden
WBro Robert Bugawan - Grand Standard Bearer
WBro Rodrigo Gomez - Senior Grand Deacon
WBro Miguel Carreon - Junion Grand Steward
They are set to be installed, along with all the other officers tomorrow, Saturday, 14 March at 1430 in the Grand Lodge Hall, Tokyo, Japan.
Bro Roy Rommelman
Yokosuka Lodge #20
Yokosuka Japan
Bro Roy,
Please send my greatest congratulations to our WBros who got elected/appointed to their respective position at the Grand Lodge of Japan.
Sincerely & Fraternally,
Bro Rene "Bubba" Felias
Aomori Lodge #10 (Misawa, Japan)
Victory Daylight Lodge 1778 (Norfolk, VA)
Present Location: Pax River, MD
Bro. Roy,
Extend my congratulations to my mentor WBro Victor Ortiz,I knew it! He will be the first Filipino Grand Master in Japan Jurisdiction.
Also, to WBro Carreon and the rest of the appointees to the Grand line.
Sending my fraternal grip to the brethren of my mother lodge Yokosuka Lodge No. 20.
WBro Bong Paynita
Silver Gate Three Stars Lodge No. 296
Claude H Morisson Lodge No. 747
(San Diego, CA)
Congratulations to our brethren from the Grand Lodge of Japan...Serve well...
"It is not how long you live that counts but it is how you enjoy your life!!!
William Rabara "bradpans" Francia
Pinatubo Lodge #52, San Narciso, Zambales
South West lodge #283, National City, CA
Hometown: Sto Nino San Felipe, Zambales
Current location: San Diego, CA
Congratulations on your well-deserved elections/appointments.
Good luck on your installation tomorrow.
Fraternal Regards,
Marc Laya
Rising Sun Lodge No. 151
Sagami Depot, Japan under MWGLOP
Bro. Roy,
Please send my cCongratulations to all the appointed or elected brethren of the Grand Lodge of Japan. Especially to WBro Robert "Boogie" Bugawan and WBro Miguel "Mike" Carreon.
May the GAOTU bless us all, and have a fruitfull masonic year.
Fraternally & Sincerely,
Marc B Hermosura
Rising Sun Lodge No.151
Sagami Depot, Japan under the MWGLoP
Present Location: San Diego, CA.
Home Town: Malabon, Rizal
Brod Roy,
Sorry, my bust. Just too excited to see the list of Japan Grand Lodge Officers, and I forgot to congratulate our worthy brothers' accomplishments.
Please send my congratulations, and in particular to WBro Rodrigo Gomez. I would appreciate if I can get some contact info about him.
Reden A. Infante, PM
Sublime Benicia Lodge # 5
Suisun Lodge # 55
GL of California
Bro. Roy,
Please send them my congratulations to our elected officer's. May GAOTU be with you all.
Bro. Ramon San Agustin (MM)
Bagong Ilaw Lodge # 97 MWGLP
Yokosuka Lodge # 20 MWGLJ
Present location:Yokosuka
H.T. Gen Trias, Cavite
Pinoy Masons Worldwide congratulate WBro Victor Ortiz on his election as Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Japan; as well as WBro Robert Bugawan - Grand Standard Bearer, WBro Rodrigo Gomez - Senior Grand Deacon and WBro Miguel Carreon - Junion Grand Steward on their appointments as Grand Lodge officers for 2009.
Please help me in congratulating the following members of this group who were either elected or appointed this evening [13 March 2009] during the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Japan:
WBro Victor Ortiz - Junior Grand Warden
WBro Robert Bugawan - Grand Standard Bearer
WBro Rodrigo Gomez - Senior Grand Deacon
WBro Miguel Carreon - Junion Grand Steward
They are set to be installed, along with all the other officers tomorrow, Saturday, 14 March at 1430 in the Grand Lodge Hall, Tokyo, Japan.
Bro Roy Rommelman
Yokosuka Lodge #20
Yokosuka Japan
Bro Roy,
Please send my greatest congratulations to our WBros who got elected/appointed to their respective position at the Grand Lodge of Japan.
Sincerely & Fraternally,
Bro Rene "Bubba" Felias
Aomori Lodge #10 (Misawa, Japan)
Victory Daylight Lodge 1778 (Norfolk, VA)
Present Location: Pax River, MD
Bro. Roy,
Extend my congratulations to my mentor WBro Victor Ortiz,I knew it! He will be the first Filipino Grand Master in Japan Jurisdiction.
Also, to WBro Carreon and the rest of the appointees to the Grand line.
Sending my fraternal grip to the brethren of my mother lodge Yokosuka Lodge No. 20.
WBro Bong Paynita
Silver Gate Three Stars Lodge No. 296
Claude H Morisson Lodge No. 747
(San Diego, CA)
Congratulations to our brethren from the Grand Lodge of Japan...Serve well...
"It is not how long you live that counts but it is how you enjoy your life!!!
William Rabara "bradpans" Francia
Pinatubo Lodge #52, San Narciso, Zambales
South West lodge #283, National City, CA
Hometown: Sto Nino San Felipe, Zambales
Current location: San Diego, CA
Congratulations on your well-deserved elections/appointments.
Good luck on your installation tomorrow.
Fraternal Regards,
Marc Laya
Rising Sun Lodge No. 151
Sagami Depot, Japan under MWGLOP
Bro. Roy,
Please send my cCongratulations to all the appointed or elected brethren of the Grand Lodge of Japan. Especially to WBro Robert "Boogie" Bugawan and WBro Miguel "Mike" Carreon.
May the GAOTU bless us all, and have a fruitfull masonic year.
Fraternally & Sincerely,
Marc B Hermosura
Rising Sun Lodge No.151
Sagami Depot, Japan under the MWGLoP
Present Location: San Diego, CA.
Home Town: Malabon, Rizal
Brod Roy,
Sorry, my bust. Just too excited to see the list of Japan Grand Lodge Officers, and I forgot to congratulate our worthy brothers' accomplishments.
Please send my congratulations, and in particular to WBro Rodrigo Gomez. I would appreciate if I can get some contact info about him.
Reden A. Infante, PM
Sublime Benicia Lodge # 5
Suisun Lodge # 55
GL of California
Bro. Roy,
Please send them my congratulations to our elected officer's. May GAOTU be with you all.
Bro. Ramon San Agustin (MM)
Bagong Ilaw Lodge # 97 MWGLP
Yokosuka Lodge # 20 MWGLJ
Present location:Yokosuka
H.T. Gen Trias, Cavite
Pinoy Masons Worldwide congratulate WBro Victor Ortiz on his election as Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Japan; as well as WBro Robert Bugawan - Grand Standard Bearer, WBro Rodrigo Gomez - Senior Grand Deacon and WBro Miguel Carreon - Junion Grand Steward on their appointments as Grand Lodge officers for 2009.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Bro Capt Ferdinand Baptist Drops Working Tools: March 2009
Please be informed that the body of our late Brother, Capt Ferdinand Baptist PN (Ret); a member of Primera Luz Filipina lies in state at Funenaria Alvarez in Cavite City.
Necrological services will be at 7:00 pm tonight, 13 March 2009.
Primera Luz Filipina Lodge No. 69
Binakayan, Kawit, Cavite
Meets every 1st Saturday at 2:00 p.m.
Pinoy Masons Worldwide offer their prayers and condolences to the family, friends and brethren of Bro Capt Ferdinand Baptist [PN Ret]. May The Great Architect of the Universe welcomes him in His bosom.
Please be informed that the body of our late Brother, Capt Ferdinand Baptist PN (Ret); a member of Primera Luz Filipina lies in state at Funenaria Alvarez in Cavite City.
Necrological services will be at 7:00 pm tonight, 13 March 2009.
Primera Luz Filipina Lodge No. 69
Binakayan, Kawit, Cavite
Meets every 1st Saturday at 2:00 p.m.
Pinoy Masons Worldwide offer their prayers and condolences to the family, friends and brethren of Bro Capt Ferdinand Baptist [PN Ret]. May The Great Architect of the Universe welcomes him in His bosom.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Magilas Class: Shriners
On behalf of the officers and members of Mubuhay Shrine Chapter we wish to extend our hardy congradulations to Magilas Class; the recent graduates of the USG Hotsands Ceremonial recently concluded at the Ambassador Hotel last March 5-7, 2009.
"Es Selamu Aleikum!"
Posted by Bro Noble Steve Brittian
High Shereef
Mabuhay Shrine Chapter
Shriners Creed
Shriners, or Shrine Masons, belong to the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine for North America (A.A.O.N.M.S.). The Shrine is an international fraternity of approximately 775,000 members. Founded in New York City in 1872.
Every Shriner is a Mason — but not every Mason is a Shriner.
Shriners believe in God and that He created man to serve His purposes, among which is service to others in His name.
We believe that care for the less fortunate, especially children who suffer from burns and crippling diseases, is our institutional calling.
We are patriots, each willing to serve his country with fidelity and courage. We cherish independence under law and freedom with responsibility.
We honor family. We respect our parents, wives and children. We should instill in our children the tenets of this creed and the heritage from which it emanates.
As individuals we pledge ourselves to integrity, virtue and nobility of character. Our intentions will be honorable, our relations will be trustworthy and our spirits forgiving of each other.
As brothers we offer each other fraternal affection and respect. Together we will support each other in adherence to this creed, so that we and our communities will be the better because of our fraternity and its principles.
As Shriners we look beyond ourselves to serve the needs of others, especially children who cannot help themselves. We believe Shriners Hospitals for Children to be the world's greatest philanthropy, and we covenant with each other to support its “temples of mercy” with spirit, time, talent and means.
Congratulations noble sirs!
Bro Deck Rivera
Makisig Class '04
Maharlika Chapter
"Es Selamu Aleikum!"
Posted by Bro Noble Steve Brittian
High Shereef
Mabuhay Shrine Chapter
Shriners Creed
Shriners, or Shrine Masons, belong to the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine for North America (A.A.O.N.M.S.). The Shrine is an international fraternity of approximately 775,000 members. Founded in New York City in 1872.
Every Shriner is a Mason — but not every Mason is a Shriner.
Shriners believe in God and that He created man to serve His purposes, among which is service to others in His name.
We believe that care for the less fortunate, especially children who suffer from burns and crippling diseases, is our institutional calling.
We are patriots, each willing to serve his country with fidelity and courage. We cherish independence under law and freedom with responsibility.
We honor family. We respect our parents, wives and children. We should instill in our children the tenets of this creed and the heritage from which it emanates.
As individuals we pledge ourselves to integrity, virtue and nobility of character. Our intentions will be honorable, our relations will be trustworthy and our spirits forgiving of each other.
As brothers we offer each other fraternal affection and respect. Together we will support each other in adherence to this creed, so that we and our communities will be the better because of our fraternity and its principles.
As Shriners we look beyond ourselves to serve the needs of others, especially children who cannot help themselves. We believe Shriners Hospitals for Children to be the world's greatest philanthropy, and we covenant with each other to support its “temples of mercy” with spirit, time, talent and means.
Congratulations noble sirs!
Bro Deck Rivera
Makisig Class '04
Maharlika Chapter
Friday, March 6, 2009
Thanks Brethren from Palawan Lodges
On a recent trip to Palawan, the families and brethren of Nueva Ecija were feted by the brethren from Palawan Lodge No 99.
Pictures below shows some of the tourist spots in and around Puerto Princesa:
Thursday, March 5, 2009
RATRAT 2009: 29 March
Dear Brethren,
Please attend the fundraiser of our Malolos Lodge #46 brethren called "RATRAT 2009, Worshipful Master's Cup".
RATRAT 2009 is a one day, level 1 funshoot, wherein Masons and non-Masons alike will participate in a four (4) pistol stage funshoot with a maximum of 100 rounds.
This is going to be held on March 29, 2009 at the Monte Carlo Shooting Range, Jogima Resort in Bulacan, Bulacan. Click here for the location map of the shooting range.
Match fee is Php 500.00 for Masons and Php 600.00 for non-Masons inclusive of lunch.
Over 30 Prizes to be won, so join now!
For inquiries, please call or contact Bro Joel Manuel at 09228507217.
Joel Serate Ferrer
Please attend the fundraiser of our Malolos Lodge #46 brethren called "RATRAT 2009, Worshipful Master's Cup".
RATRAT 2009 is a one day, level 1 funshoot, wherein Masons and non-Masons alike will participate in a four (4) pistol stage funshoot with a maximum of 100 rounds.
This is going to be held on March 29, 2009 at the Monte Carlo Shooting Range, Jogima Resort in Bulacan, Bulacan. Click here for the location map of the shooting range.
Match fee is Php 500.00 for Masons and Php 600.00 for non-Masons inclusive of lunch.
Over 30 Prizes to be won, so join now!
For inquiries, please call or contact Bro Joel Manuel at 09228507217.
Joel Serate Ferrer
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Dak Kap Isagani Peña Sumakabilang Buhay: Mar 2009

Ang kapatid po na si Isagani Peña ng Logia Col. Ruperto Arce Blg. 88 y GLNF ay nasa piling na po ngayon ng Dakila at Marangal na Guro.
Ang kanyang ama po ay taga Lincoln Lodge No. 34 GLP.
Sa mga nais dumalaw at ipaabot ang pakikiramay sa pamilya puwede niyo po kontakin ang kanyang kapatid na si Kapatid na Bayani Peña [09209199177]; Logia Col. Ruperto Arce Blg. 88, Templo Katubusan, Olongapo City.
Her.'. Abel Abuyo Diaz
"azman bashair israq"
Muy Leal, Augusta y Benemerita
Resp.'. Log.'. "BONIFACIO" Blg.2
De la jurisdiccion de la
Auspiciada por el
R.'. E.'. A.'. A.'.
Oriente de Manila, Republica Filipina
Sa ngalan ng mga Pinoy Masons dito sa Singapore (Bro Zaldy Zaldua, Bro Cedric Caguiao at Bro. Leo Serona) kami po ay nakikiramay sa pamilya ng ating kapatid na Isagani Peña.
Raoul Gongora
Union Lodge # 70
City of San Fernando, La Union
Location: Singapore 388574
Kami po ng aking familia ay lubos na nakikiramay sa mga naulila ng ating Dakilang Kapatid na Isagani Peña ng Resp. Log. Col. Ruperto Arce Blg. 85 Olongapo City.
Dalangin po namin ang matiwasay at maluwalhating paglalakbay ng Dak. Kap. Isagani tungo sa sinapupunan ng D.'.L.'.N.'.S.'.D.'.
Sa Kap. na Bayani Peña, kami po ay nasa iyong tabi sa oras na ito at nakiki-dalamhati.
K.'.K.'. Art Saquido
Log. Magdalo Blg. 79
Kawit Cavite
"In Deo Fiducia Nostra"
Ang mga kasapi ng Pinoy Masons sa buong mundo ay nakikiramay sa mga naulila, kapatid sa Masoneriya at kaibigan ng ating Dakilang Kapatid Isagani Peña.
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