Thursday, January 31, 2008
Installation of Officers: Keystone Lodge No 100, 23 February 2008
Furthermore, Keystone Lodge No. 100 also celebrated its anniversary last January 18, 2008. To commemorate this (fraternal) event, the lodge is coming out with a Yearbook that will highlight the history and current activities of the lodge.
For those interested to advertise in our souvenir program, you can email me privately. The Lodge appreciates any assistance and support. Yearbook copies will be distributed during the said event.
Thank you very much for your anticipated support.
(Via Email: Bro. Mike Covarrubias, Keystone Lodge No. 100, GLP)
Stated Meeting: Moises J De Guzman Mem Lodge No 161: 1st Saturday
Location: Tonton, Lingayen, Pangasinan.
(This event repeats every month on the first Saturday.)
(The next reminder for this event will be sent in 2 days, 2 minutes.)
Quezon City Lodge No 122 Medical Mission Photo Op (Undated)

After the presentation of the commemorative jacket emblazoned with QC 122 Masonic logo. In picture are (from left to right) VW Allan Bontuyan, DDGM of NCR-E, MW Jaime Y. Gonzales, Grand Master of GLP (in red t-shirt), the lion tamer (Mrs Jun Galarosa), the aging lion and WM Jun Jun Gevero of QC 122.
(Via email by Bro Jun Galarosa)
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Gen Artemio Ricarte Lodge No 322 Invites You to Their Installation of Officers: 30 January
On behalf of the brethren of Gen. Artemio Ricarte Lodge #322, and with the order of our Worshipful Master-Elect, Ramon J. Zabala, and conformity of our Junior Warden-Elect, Alexander Feria; Do hereby request the honor of your presence on its PUBLIC INSTALLATION, Wednesday, January 30, 2008 at 1600 hours (4PM) at the Makati Sports Club (L.P. Leviste cor. Gallardo Sts., Salcedo Village, Makati).
Hope to see you there.
(Via email by Bro. Emmanuel Sanico, Senior Warden-Elect)
34th Public Installation: Hundred Islands Lodge No 201 16 February 2008
To be installed as Worshipful Master is VW Rolando O. Reinoso, Senior Warden is Bro. Wilfredo L. Estrada, and Junior Warden is Bro. Marcial A. Vidal.
Installing Officer is VW Felix D. Mendoza; while the Master of Ceremonies is VW Harold N. Cabreros.
Congratulations again to all officers and members of Hundred Islands Lodge No 201 on the occasion of this auspicious event.
(Via email: Bro. Jong Opolento, Lodge Auditor, HI Lodge # 201Alaminos City)
Monday, January 28, 2008
Installation of Officers: Talavera Lodge Number 273, 19 January 2008 Photos

Above photo shows the elected and appointed officers.
Seated are the elected officers (from left to right): Treasurer Edison Rivera, Bro. Junior Warden Jewel Manzano, Worshipful Brother Marcelino Driza, Bro. Senior Warden Atty. Larry Ortiz, Bro. Secretary Joel de Mesa and Worshipful Brother Auditor Arturo L. Ilagan, PM.
Standing are the appointed officers :(from left to right), namely: Bro. Senior Deacon Johann Garner Ocampo, Bro. Senior Steward Benny Gungon, Bro. Chaplain Isidro Villaflor, Bro. Organist Hosain Shamsoudin Vostakalei, Bro. Almoner Noel Patelo, Bro. Marshall Ian Carganillo, Bro. Orator Celso Mendoza, Bro. Lecturer Ericson Coso, Bro. Junior Steward Atty. Dexter Allen Lacanilao and Bro. Junior Deacon Glen Edward So.

The officers with "Purple Apron" brethren, posed for a souvenir memento of the event.
Belated congratulations to all the officers of Talavera Lodge!
(Via email by Bro. Ian Carganillo, Talavera Lodge 273) (Pictures courtesy of Bro I. Carganillo).
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
GrandSec Reynold Fajardo Lodge (UD) Creation & Institution
Upon the initiative of the Grand Master, MW Jaime Y Gonzales; and able assistance of VW Francis Lovero, AAGM, the idea of forming the lodge in MW GrandSec Fajardo's honor is to give due recognition and perpetual remembrance to a man who had devoted most of his time to Philippine Freemasonry. The late Grand Lodge brilliant Grand Secretary was irreplaceable until today as far as history-telling, especially in the field of Philippine Freemasonry is concerned.
In an article in the Grand Lodge of the Philippines website: Kinship to Greatness (Past Grand Masters): Poor Man's Lawyer:
"MW Fajardo is a recognized Masonic historian. He has written over a hundred articles on Philippine Masonic history that saw print in Masonic journals here and abroad. He also wrote the following books: "Historic Perceptions", “The Golden Years of the Grand Lodge” which was published as part of “Votaries of Honor”, “Dimasalang, the Masonic life of Dr. Jose Rizal” and “The Brethren” (two volumes) which is a history of Masonry in the Philippines from 1756 up to the end of the Second World War. He is a co-author "Kinship to Greatness”, a collection of the biographical sketches of all the Past Grand Masters of the Grand Lodge and “The Golden Years”, a history of Scottish Rite Masonry in the Philippines." (Moderator)
Charter membership is still open. For those who wanted to be included in this historic formation of the lodge, please see VW Lovero or the undersigned with your Certificate of Good Standing (CGS). Alternatively you may leave your CGS with Ms. Elo Morillo at the Grand Master's office.
(Via Email: BRO JAMES OLAYVAR, Kagitingan Lodge 286 Makati City, Co-Coordinator)
48th Installation of Officers Mindoro Lodge No 157: 26 January
The Officers for Masonic Year 2008 are as follows:
Worshipful Master - WB CECILIO RAMOS ISON, JR.
Senior Warden - BRO RUBEN G. GUINTO
Junior Deacon - BRO ROMEO H. ROBLES, JR.
Lecturer - WB AURELIO R. DY, PM
Senior Steward - BRO LIBNER B. VIDAL
Junior Steward - BRO JOEL V. ACORDA
Installing Officer is VW JAIME B. CONCEPCION, PDDGM. Ably assisted by W VIRGILIO CRUZ, PDDGM, as Master of Ceremonies and assisted by WB WASHINGTON T. SY, PM, as assistant emcee.
The Guest Speaker is the HON. JOSE S. JACINTO, JR., Executive Judge of the RTC Branch 45 & 46.
The District Officers are as follows:
WB LEODEGARIO RAMOS, GLI - Mindoro Lodge No. 157
WB RONALD ROMERO, GLI - Halcon Lodge No. 249
WB JULIUS CEASAR PEREZ GLI - Bongabong Lodge No. 324
WB JOSE EISEN ABES GLI - Tamaraw Lodge No. 65
Congratulations to all the incoming officers of Mindoro Lodge No157 and district officers!
(Via Email: BRO. JIMMY B. CONCEPCION, Tamaraw Lodge No. 65)
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Stated Meeting: Ang Tipolo Lodge No 334
Location: RCCI Building, Cabrera Road, Barangay Dolores, Taytay, Rizal.
(This event repeats every month on the last Saturday.)
(The next reminder for this event will be sent in 4 days, 4 minutes.
(Via Pinoy Masons Yahoo Groups Reminder).
Unity Lodge No 285: Newly Elected Officers 2008-2009
Worshipful Master: Bro. Luis Ramirez
Senior Warden: Bro. Abner Ong
Junior Warden: Bro. Jerry Azurin
Treasurer: Bro. Dante Dee
Secretary: WI Miles Moselina, PGLI
Auditor: Wl Remigio Soriano, PGLI
Let us wish them congratulations and best wishes for the coming Masonic year.
(Via email: Bro. Chuck Garrett, Unity Lodge #285,Subic Bay Freeport Zone)
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Desert Knights DeMolays & Dads Alumni Chapter, Jeddah, KSA

01 February will be the election of officers of the Desert Knights Demolays and Dads Alumni Chapter in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, this also marks the last of the stated meetings we must attend to be considered for accredition. May I please ask craftsmen who know any Demolay or MM in or near Jeddah to kindly inform them of the said event.
The Filipino Channel (TFC) will also broadcast the event from 20 January 2008 and our sincere hope is to gather as much to attend the event. Please email me privately for additional information.
If the proper procedures are met then we can apply for proper accreditation and this will be the first Demolay Alumni Chapter outside the Philippines from the Demolay Alumni Association of the Philippines (if what I was told is correct).
(Via email: Bro Alberto Valenzuela Poblete, Mount Mainam 49, Naic, Cavite, MWGLP
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Stated Meeting: Sierra Madre Lodge No 181: 2nd Saturday
(This event repeats every month on the second Saturday until Saturday March 20, 2010.)
(The next reminder for this event will be sent in 18 hours, 3 minutes.)
Via reminder: PinoyMasons Yahoo Groups
For more info: Please email (Members' only, but moderator should respond if not a member of this group.)
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Institution of La Guardia Lodge UD, MW GLP: 08 Jan 2008
Bro Danilo A. Abinoja of La Naval Lodge 269 shall be the Charter Master, while Bro Isidro P. Banaria, PDDGM of Bud Dahu Lodge 102 and Bro Rodel A. Aburquez, PDGL of Manuel A. Roxas Lodge 152 will be the Charter Senior and Junior Wardens respectively.
The Rite of Institution will start at 3:00 pm at Jose Abad Santos Hall with the MW Jaime Y. Gonzales, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the Phillipines, presiding.
Fellowship will follow at a venue to be announced later.
On the same day, at 9:30 am, Grand Master Jimmy will be inducted into the membership of the Philippine Coast Guard Auxiliary (PCGA) by the Philippine Coast Guard(PCG) Commandant, Admiral Danny Abinoja at the PCG General Headquarters.
Brethren who are also members of the PCGA and PCG are encouraged to witness the oathtaking of our Grand Master. For everybody's information. Thank you.
(Via Email: From GLPhils Yahoo by Bro James A Olayvar, Kagitingan Lodge 286. As forwarded by Bro Kenneth Go Tieng, Jose Rizal Lodge No. 22, District NCR-C Grand Lodge of the Philippines (Meets every 1st Wed, 6:00pm at Stafford Hall, Plaridel Masonic Temple, Paco, Manila) to Pinoy Masons Yahoo Groups.)
Prayer for Healing: Bro Jaime "Jimmy" Estrera
Dearest Lord,
You were once broken apart and You know how it is to be shattered
by the loss of a loved one.
Trusting in Your deep Love and Compassion,
We come to You now to seek healing
for Milabel & her sons, Joshua and Jordan;
who are in deep pain,
grieving the loss of our Brother Jimmy, a husband and father.
Heal all unhappy feelings they are experiencing now.
Let Your loving presence Comfort and Console them during their
moments of sorrow and loneliness.
Touch all the areas of woundedness in their hearts.
Give them the Grace to see that something beautiful
will come out later on,
the Grace to see things from Your eyes of Love,
to see the blessings in store for them
out of this hurt.
To see the victory and resurrection that awaits them and their loved one, Jimmy;
after all the tears and anguish.
All these are difficult to see right now, Lord,
when everything around them seems dark and shattered.
But we know that Your Love and Peace will be their source of Strength,
their Comfort and Consolation.
Draw them closer to You through their grieving moments
and let them experience the kind of Love only You can give to fill all
the emptiness and loneliness from the loss of Brother Jimmy.
Bring to them Friends to keep them company
and to lift their Spirits during moments of desolation.
Let their presence be an experience of Your loving presence
to fill their hearts with Your Peace, Love, Joy and Healing.
All these we pray in Jesus' name through Mary. Amen.
From your FilMasons' & Amasons' Friends
8 January 2008
Adapted from Healing Presence, Prayers for Healing, pages 91-92.
Muog Lodge No 89 Public Installation: 16 Feb 2008
The lodge will open at 1:00 p.m. and the installation proper will begin at 3:00 p.m. Please make the necessary adjustment and kindly block off your schedule on that day.
(Via Email by Bro Joel Porlares, Muog #89 NCR-G Paranaque City)
Incoming officers are as follows:
Bro Kristoffer James E. PURISIMA, Worshipful Master
Bro Joel O. PORLARES, Senior Warden
Bro Reginald R. DE LEON, Junior Warden
VW Jeffrey M. NISNISAN, PDGL Treasurer
WB Efren C. VALENZUELA, PM, Secretary
WB Nazario B. MACARAEG, JR., PM, Auditor
Again, congratulations to the new officers of Muog Lodge No. 89.
Installation of Officers: Jacques DeMolay Memorial Lodge No. 305 F&AM MWGLP - 19 Jan 2008
Guest Speaker is RW Pacifico B. Aniag, a Legionnaire of the Legion of Honor of the Order of DeMolay and Deputy Grand Master of Masons in the Philippines.
Brother Masons are requested to wear proper Masonic attire.
(Via Email by: Brother Cris M. GAERLAN, Jacques DeMolay Lodge 305MWGLP (MD NCR-A) Manila).
According to a post in the MSU DeMolay site:
"All elected officers are Senior DeMolays coming from different DeMolay Chapters in the Philippines:
Worshipful Master - Bro. Jonathan Denver C. Cuezon (Agusan Valley Chapter, Butuan City and University Chapter, MSU Marawi City, Order of DeMolay)
Senior Warden - Bro. Francis E. Blanco (Misamis Chapter, Ozamis City, Order of DeMolay)
Junior Warden - Bro. Ariel Arturo V. Gumabon (Bicol Chapter, Naga City, Order of DeMolay)
Secretary - Bro. Crisostomo M. Gaerlan (Past Master Councilor, University Chapter, MSU Marawi City, Order of DeMolay)
Treasurer - VW Ramoncito P. Javier, PDDGM (Chevalier, Loyalty Chapter, Manila, Grand Senior Councilor, Supreme Council of the Order of DeMolay of the Republic of the Philippines)
Auditor - WB Wilson Lee (Chevalier, Bicol Chapter, Naga City, Order of DeMolay)"
Congratulations to all these fine Senior DeMolays and brother Masons, it is truly said that "DeMolay is the flower garden of Freemasonry." It is hoped that every Masonic lodge or district will sponsor a DeMolay chapter, Order of Rainbow for Girls or a Bethel of Job's Daughters.
"Masons make better men. DeMolays make better Masons."
- THE JACQUES DeMOLAY LODGE -Masonic Brotherhood DeMolay Tradition
Sunday, January 6, 2008
MSU New President: Bro Dr Macapado A Muslim
Dad Mac Muslim once served as member of our Advisory Council in the University Chapter, Order of DeMolay in MSU, Marawi City.
Bro. Mac Muslim is the fourth Freemason to hold this prestigious and most coveted position. The three others before him were, the late former KSA Ambassador Brother Mauyag Tamano, the late Governor of Lanao del Sur, Worshipful Brother Mohammad Ali Dimaporo and just recently, Dad and Worshipful Brother Dr Camar A. Umpa.
Kudos, Dad Mac!
(Via email by Brother Cris M. Gaerlan, Jacques DeMolay Lodge 305 NCR-A Manila, Batasan Lodge U.D., Quezon City. Past Master Councilor, 1985 University Chapter, Order of DeMolay, Mindanao State University, Islamic City of Marawi.)
According to A. P. Pabico of the PCIJ blog in a 2005 blog report; "Of the 21 candidates, only three made it to the short list that was submitted to Malacañang. Dr. Macapado Muslim, (the then) chancellor of the General Santos City campus, was the unanimous choice of the search committee... " He has a PhD, and is a Professor in Politics and Public Administration. He is a member of Lake Lanao Lodge No. 227 F. & A.M.
VWBro Delfin Narvaez Drops Working Tools, 05 Jan 2008

On Jan 9, 2008, Bro Nesty V. Tampol further wrote that "The remains of VWBro Delfin Narvaez will be transferred to Maragondon, Cavite on January 12, 2008 in the morning. Internment shall be on Sunday, January 13, 2008 after the necrological/funeral services in the morning also at Maragondon, Cavite.
There is a plan to bring the body of the late VWBro Delfin Narvaez (Pepe to close friends) at the Grand Lodge of the Philippines for viewing of the brethren who can't possibly visit him at St Jerome Chapel at the New Ayala Alabang Commercial District.
For those going to Alabang, the church is near Max's Chicken and accessible thru the Zapote-Alabang Road or Commercial Avenue of Filinvest Commecial Center. It is also near the first gate of the Old Ayala Alabang Village at Commerce Avenue. (Via email by Bro. James Olayvar Kagitingan 286/GAR 322/LPL 332/BB 27, La Guardia UD).
Our deepest condolences to the family, friends and brother Masons of our VWBro Delfin Narvaez, may The GAOTU welcome his soul to His bosom and his memory be immortalized by his family, friends and brothers and sisters in Freemasonry.
"In Freemasonry, the broken column is, as Master Freemasons well know, the emblem of the fall of one of the chief supporters of the Craft. The use of the column or pillars as a monument erected over a tomb was a very ancient custom, and was a very significant symbol of the character and spirit of the person interred."
A Simple Wish From a Faithful Heart

Our Continuing Commitment as Masons.
Very Simple but Meaningful Words.
We had experienced how Masons engaged themselves into healthy and at times unhealthy debates on matters pertaining to our Fraternity (as well as religion and Politics, Ed.). Unhealthy, because at times it resulted to outright disrespect for one another. This had happened not only inside the Lodge but also outside the Lodge particularly in the course of exchange of emails and text messaging and even during fellowship.
For an ordinary Mason with a simple faithful heart, it hurts, really, really hurts.
It is the simple wish of this faithful heart that each and every Mason respect others’ opinion, belief and understanding of our Fraternity (as well as others plotics and religion, Ed.). A wish that we Masons can show mankind that we practice mutual respect for one another regardless of color, creed and affiliation.
It is the simple wish of this faithful heart to immediately resolve existing factionalism, divisiveness and misunderstandings in our respective Lodges thereby strengthening not only the Lodges but Masonic Districts and Grand Lodges as well.
It is the simple wish of this faithful heart that the newly elected and appointed officers of each and every Lodge lead the brethren to a better and stronger fraternity.
Finally, it is the simple wish of this faithful heart that as we enter the year 2008, we, Masons, live up, in and outside of our respective Lodges, our continuing commitment to our fraternity, BROTHERLY LOVE .'. RELIEF .'. TRUTH .'. LIBERTY .'. EQUALITY .'. FRATERNITY and make 2008 a true and fulfilling Masonic Year.
Together Brethren we can achieve this simple wish.
With my best regards,
Bro. Ben Apacible, PM, PDDGM
Kalilayan Lodge No. 37, Lucena City
Araw Lodge No. 18, Manila
Grand Lodge of the Philippines