Finally the San Diego Fair is over. The Masonic Booth was taken down last Monday. I must admit it was expensive (gas, food was a rip off…etc) and tiring for us old folks but it was all well worth it.
I don’t have the exact stats but we did much better than last year. We gave out more Child ID’s this year, we also had more lead cards signed. For your information we were able to raise 10 Master Masons from these lead cards last year. If any of the San Diego Lodges need the ID system just give me a call or shoot me an email.
My apologies to the brethren of Southwest Lodge for the mis-communication… Opsiee... I also forgot my cell last July 4th at home (another of my mature moments).
I already locked and loaded Southwest Lodge on the last Saturday for next year's fair. My hats off to the brethren of SW Lodge and WBro Bob Astudillo for launching the Kimball DeMolay Chapter. Please support their breakfast fundraising on July 27 from 8am-1pm. Let’s start our sons, nephews etc on the right path make them join the DeMolays.
Bro Joel Narciso, Coordinator
San Diego Fair Masonic Booth"
On behalf of the Child Id Committee of the Grand Lodge of California, I would like to acknowledge and appreciate the presence of the following at the Masonic Child ID Booth during the San Diego Fair:
WM Fil Garcia: Sitting Master, Black Mountain Lodge #845
WM Fil Garcia: Sitting Master, Black Mountain Lodge #845
WM Rudy Alquero: Past Master, Black Mountain Lodge #845
Bro Bernie Gapus: Black Mountain Lodge #845
Bro Ben Cueto: Black Mountain Lodge #845
Bro Artzell Bautista: Southwest Lodge #283
Mr Sherwin Viscocho: candidate, Black Mountain Lodge #845
Mr Arnel Zapata: candidate, Black Mountain Lodge #845
Mr Alex Farfan, volunteer
And my son JT (10 yrs old) who enjoys every Masonic endeavour that we perform. I can bet my Masonic wages that he has attended more Masonic functions... :^). He once asked me how to be a Worshipful, “you must have the Masonic hearth, humility and hard work” (which sorry to say I don’t have) . Who knows we might have the first Filipino GM of California in the making.
Bro Joel Narciso, Coordinator
San Diego Fair Masonic Booth
San Diego Fair Masonic Booth
Black Mountain Lodge No 845 (GLC)
Kimball DeMolay Chapter
I would like to thank WBro Bob Astudillo, his Lady and the Brethren of Southwest Lodge No 283 for stepping up to revive the Demolay Chapter in National City.
WBro Bob is one of the few Past Masters who after having served his Lodge, continuously makes every effort to find ways to enrich Masonic traditions. We Masons owe him a great deal of gratitude, because his efforts positively reflects on ALL of us “Masons”.
I suspect one of his secrets is his better half, who’s been always there to support him (sarap naman). Worshi! More power! I wish we have more PM’s like you, you have my 110% support!"
Bro Joel Narciso, NHL #632
Forwarding WB Bob Astudillo's message of appreciation for those who supported the DEMOLAY fund raising yesterday...
Brother Andrew A Apostol
South West lodge #283
National Treasures City,California
Current Location: Chula Vista, California
Home Town: Cabanatuan City
On Sun, 7/27/08, Bob Astudillo wrote:
From: Bob Astudillo
Date: Sunday, July 27, 2008, 10:36 PM
South West Lodge Masonic Hall
Thank you very much for your support on our breakfast fundraiser last Sunday,7/27/08.
Congratulations to WB Bob Astudillo and the rest of the SWL brethren.
On behalf of the brethren from Indang Masonic Lodge no. 115, we wish you all the best. I will see you all again this end of September.
On The Level,
Bro Elmer Astudillo
SW - Indang Masonic Lodge no. 115
Masonic District Region IV-A
I totally agree with you Brother Joel.
I've known WB Bob Astudillo and Sis Nene (blood sister of Brother Caloy Aquino, CWO4, USN ret) way back when, even before we were raised.
Generally soft spoken. A man of few words, but when Bob speaks, people listen.
With fidelity,WB Bob reflects honor to SWL and our institution.
Bro Caloy Buzon
Bagong Buhay No 17 (GLP)
Coronado 441 (GLC)
Carlos D. Buzon, II
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