Monday, March 31, 2008
San Diego Fair "Free Child ID Booth":14 June - 06 July
It's that time of the year that we are preparing for the Masonic Booth at the San Diego Fair. We are inviting not only Lodges but groups of Masons and affiliated bodies. It would be a nice project for the Pinoy Masons of San Diego to show their support for this endevour. Bring your family too and lets make this a family affair.
By the way we are going to be in need of volunteers during weekdays, so please if you can spare the time. I usually open the booth in the morning, set up the system and train the volunteers and on call too. For information below.
Bro Jose Narciso
"The 2008 San Diego County Fair is approaching very quickly. The Freemasons of San Diego will be hosting this year’s event. The dates for the San Diego Fair are: June 14 through July 06 (Closed Mondays: June 16, and 23). Please mark your calendar.
We would like to offer your lodge/ group a full or partial day of operating the booth, on a first come, first serve basis. Lodges participating in manning the booth will be given the referrals we develop on a proportional basis and by geographic location. Previous years have proven to be successful, generating up to 75 qualified referrals that added 25 new Brothers to our Fraternity. Many of these Brothers and their Ladies have moved forward into other Masonic Concordant and Affiliated organizations. We also often identify leads for the Ladies and Youth organizations also.
If your group would like to participate, please call or e-mail Tom Vergne at your earliest convenience. All dates are currently open; however, we suggest you provide several date selections, in case another Lodge responds first. Information packets, instruction sheets and tickets will be provided and available after June 07, 2005 at Normal Heights Masonic Lodge No. 632, 3366 Adams Ave. San Diego, CA 92116-1898 (Phone: 619.284-0925 ).
Please contact us as soon as possible to reserve your date. Shifts will be approximately from 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM (Morning Shift) and 2:30 PM to 7:30 PM (Evening Shift). At least four (4) per shift are required, so you’ll need at least eight volunteers. Free parking is available and admission tickets will be provided for booth workers
Thank you in advance for your consideration of this endeavor. We hope your Lodge receives lots of referrals and new petitions as a result of your efforts."
Fraternally and Sincerely,
Event Coordinators
(Via email by Bro Jose Narciso, jnarciso_2000@
Bro Moderators,
Here are the lodges that have volounteered so far for the Del Mar Fair:
June 14------Vista Lodge #687
June 21------Hacket #574
June 28------Chula Vista #625
July 5--------Heartland #576
I'm still waiting for the Brethren from the Pinoy Mason Group to step up!
Let's show our support for this worthy cause. By the way you don't have to be in good standing, just a worthy brother.
Bro Joel Narciso
Normal Heights Lodge #632
Southwest Lodge No 283 Golf Tournament Fund Raising: 12 April
Southwest Lodge will have the annual fund raising golf tournament at Chula Vista 12 April 2008, "Shotgun start" at 0800.
For more info please e-mail me at
(Via email by WBro Rudy Duero, WM,
Southwest Lodge #283 National City, Ca.
Milton C. Marvin Lodge 123 Guam)
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Ang Tipolo Lodge Co-Host's Lakbay Alalay

Additional pledges in various capacities were received from the brethren notably: WB Roger Panganiban (WM), VW Michael Benjamin, VW Naz Cordova, WB Rico Castor, WB Totoy Ignacio, Bro. Paolo Romero, Bro. Mhel Sison, Bro. Doming Angel, Bro. Arnel Querubin (SW), Bro. Barney Gomez (JW), Bro. Stephen Nieva, Bro. Paul Duldulao, Bro. Ronald dela Rosa, Bro. Maj. Ave Damo, Bro. Dr. Joel Malabanan, Bro. Col. Gabby Lopez, Bro. Paul Pante & family, Bro. Col. Jaime Piloneo, FCM Ferdinand Delfin, WBro. Gustav Joseph Bo

Heads of other organizations who visited the ATL Mason's booth are: Bro. Col. Jaime Piloneo (Taytay Police Chief), Senior Demolay Mr. Elmer Espiritu (Head:East Rizal Chapter of Red Cross), Col. Ricardo Fidelino (Head, Rizal PPO Dental Services) and Brgy. Captain Jhun Macabuhay with members of his council.
The activity started at 5pm of March 20 and was concluded at around 4am of March 21.
Via email by: WB Gustav Joseph O. Bocek, Ang Tipolo Lodge No.334
Rizal Bodies A&ASRPlaridel York Rite
Lope K. Santos Chapter (ORDER of DeMOLAY)
Grand Lodge of the Philippines, F&AM
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Bro Arturo "Art" Brion: Appointed Associate Justice in the Philippine Supreme Court
For and on behalf of his mother lodge and our fellow Brethren in Teodoro M.Kalaw Memorial Lodge No. 136, Worshipful Master Inigo Golingay and the lodge officers most warmly congratulate Bro. Arturo Brion, former Secretary of Labor and Employment and Court of Appeals Justice, on his appointment and assumption of office today (18 March) as the newest associate justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines.
Bro. Art joins a long and distinguished line of Masonic Brethren who have been elevated to our country's highest court as the designs of the Great Architect of the Universe are gradually revealed by history. We take great joy in celebrating with him and his family this new opportunity to further serve our country in accordance with the finest traditions of Philippine Freemasonry.
Yours in the Craft for the Worshipful Lodge,
Bro. Teodoro Kalaw IV
Senior Warden, Teodoro M. Kalaw Memorial Lodge No. 136
(Via email at GLPhils Yahoo Groups)
According to the Philippine Tribute Online, Bro Brion took his oath before Chief Justice MW Bro Reynato Puno, the concurrent ex-officio chairman of the Judicial and Bar Council that recommended him to the President as one of the five candidates for the Supreme Court.
"Brion said he accepted the challenge and vowed to become impartial in resolving SC cases.
"If you will look at my record at the DoLE, you will see that I have managed to reduce the number of labor strikes and increased the amount of OFW remittances to PHP14.4 billion during my two year term. I intend to do the same (intensity) during my term at the SC," the newly-appointed SC justice said.
Brion started his career in the government when he was appointed executive director of the Institute of Labor and Manpower Studies (ILMS) of the then Philippine Ministry of Labor in 1982. ILMS was training and formulation arm of the then Philippine Ministry of Labor.
He had served at the ILMS until 1984 after which he appointed as vice chairman of the Labor and Employment Committee to Batasang Pambansa, Philippine National Assembly during 1985.
Afterwards, Brion was appointed as Deputy Minister of Labor (for Legal and Legislative Affairs), of Philippine Ministry of Labor in 1985 to 1986. He and his family went into self-exile abroad after the 1986 revolt.
He also served as consultant to the Civil Service Commission (CSC) on public labor unionism leading to the paper "Public Sector Unionism", Proposed Configuration" in 1996.
Brion was also appointed DoLE undersecretary for labor relations March 2001 up to July 2002 after which he was hired as Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) undersecretary for foreign affairs (for special projects) starting August 2002 up to June 2003.
He was appointed DoLE secretary starting July 2006 to March 17, 2008.
Brion graduated at the Ateneo de Manila University in Makati in 1974 earning an LL.B and being awarded cum laude and class valedictorian."
Our heartfelt congratulations to Bro Art Brion!
Pinoy Masons Worldwide
Monday, March 17, 2008
WBro Rodolfo Carbonel Drops Working Tools: 14 March 2008
Let us pray for the bereaved family and for the eternal repose of his soul.
Via text message by Bro Tony Limpoco (Batong Buhay No 27)
Via email by Bro Joel Porlares (Muog #89)
Bro. Wily Cayetano (Via text message by Bro Larry Carbonel)
Jose Rizal Lodge No. 22, GLP
Escudo Lodge U.D.
La Guardia U.D.
NCR-Valenzuela City, Philippines
"Do as you would be done by"
Filipino Freemasons' No Host Fellowship: An Update
This is to inform you that the “NO HOST FELLOWSHIP – BRETHREN ALL” held last Thursday, March 13, 2003, was successful despite the absence (due to the issuance of Circular No. 14) of majority of our brethren from the GLP who confirmed their attendance.
Those in attendance can attest that nothing about religion, politics, rituals, principles, affairs, conflicts, and other concerns of the Brethren’s respective Grand or Subordinate Lodges were discussed. The atmosphere was of harmony and brotherly love and everybody clamoured for a “SECOND NO HOST FELLOWSHIP – BRETHREN ALL”.
A suggestion was brought out by a brother… Civic Projects sponsored by THE FREEMASONS without the mention of Lodges or Grand Lodge. Institutions which will be considered are orphanages, homes for the aged and other similar government/privately owned institutions. These projects will be discussed on the next no host fellowship tentatively scheduled in May of this year.
There was only one wish from the brothers who attended this affair… “GIVE HARMONY A CHANCE TO PROSPER AMONGST US MASONS”.
This brings me back more than 28 years ago when I was asked… ”WHERE WERE YOU FIRST PREPARED TO BE MADE A MASON?”.
And which also reminds me of what the Senior warden says …. “HARMONY BEING THE STRENGTH AND SUPPORT OF ALL SOCIETIES ESPECIALLY OF OURS”.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the brethren who attended, the brethren who intended to attend but were restrained by doing so and the brethren from far places who gave their moral support for the success of this event.
I truly wish that harmony and brotherly love be given a chance to prevail among the Freemasons.
With my warmest fraternal regards and may the GAOTU continue to bless and guide all Masons withersoever dispersed.
Bro. Ben Apacible
Congratulations to all Brethren who attended this very auspicious event of the Filipino Freemasons. Thank you for giving and living the tenets of Masonry!
Friday, March 14, 2008
WI Chester R. L. Gross: Drops Working Tools
today, 7 February 2008.
He was the director of the RAO in Olongapo, a past High Shereef of
Mabuhay Shrine, a Past Master of Unity Lodge # 285, the Grand Lodge
Inspector of Lincoln Lodge # 34, as well as a member of York Rite,
Manila Bodies and Rebecca Parrish Chapter #5, Order of Eastern Star.
He was love by all of us and will be sorely missed.
Please pray for the repose of his soul.
Bro. Chuck Garrett
Unity Lodge #285,
Subic Bay Freeport Zone
So Mote It Be! With our deepest condolences to the family, friends and brethen of WI Chester R.L. Gross: May you rest in peace.
Pinoy Masons Worldwide
Moderator's note: Due to a couple of weeks on vacation, I have missed some noteworhty news; hence I am only now publishing.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Installation of Siete Martires Lodge No 177: GLP GM Attending: 15 March
Elected Officers are as follows:
WM : Bro Joel L. Javier
SW : Bro Amer G. Lucman, Jr.
JW : Bro Virgilio B. Lao
Treas : WI Almerick B. Pua Phee, GLI
Sec : WB Carlos A. Tayag
Aud : VW Antonio C. Ferraren, Jr., PDDGM
Fellowship to follow at the ORT Center as well vice previous venue at Kaw Bins Restaurant.
All the best . . .
Bro Pete M. Velasco, Jr.
Siete Martires Lodge :: 177
Grand Lodge of the Philippines
6th Floor Juanita Bldg, Quezon Ave.
City of San Fernando, La Union 2500
Bro. Mike Runas
Union ::#70
San Fernando City, La Union
Congratulations to all officers!
Pinoy Masons Worldwide
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
M H Del Pilar Chapter of the Order of DeMolay Revived
Most of the Senior DeMolays in Malolos Lodge was tasked to do the leg work, led by Bro. Boyet Arellano. Wish us luck in this endeavor.
Joel Manuel MCSE MCT
Malolos :: 46 F. and A. M.
M. H. Del Pilar Chapter
Order of DeMolay ISC
Congratulations to the Malolos Lodge No 46 for endevouring to revive and sponsoring M. H Del Pilar Chapter, Order of DeMolay. As they say, "DeMolay is the Flower Garden of Freemasonry", as evidenced by the many fine Senior DeMolays who joined the Craft. Speaks well for the Fraternity, the Chapter Advisors and DeMolays as a whole.
Pinoy Masons Worldwide
Mario Baylon Jr, PMC, Chev, PJMC
Teodoro R Yangco Chapter, IOD
Olongapo City
GLP GM Issues Circular to Stop "No Host" Fellowship
The 'no-host" fellowship is slated this coming Thursday, 13 March 2008, 7:00 PM at the Main Dining Hall of Club Intramuros Golf Course.
Brother Ben Apacible, the convenor of this fellowship of Masons has this to say on why he initiated this fellowship:
"This is a "no host" fellowship of brethren from different Grand Jurisdictions who want to "MEET ON THE LEVEL" and practice in and out of their respective Lodges and Grand Jurisdictions "BROTHERLY LOVE .'. RELIEF .'. TRUTH .'. LIBERTY .'. EQUALITY .'. FRATERNITY" and who are looking forward for a more meaningful Masonic year."
Brother Ben continues that: "... (to attend this event which) maybe the start of what each and every Mason had been wishing for….."HARMONY"."
For his part, the Grand Master, MW Brother Jaime Y Gonzales said in his circular:
"... pending the issuance of definitive guidelines all brethren of this Grand Jurisdiction are prohibited from participating in this allegedly "no-host fellowship" in accordance with the Constitution and Ancient Landmarks of the Order hereinbelow quoted."
The GM cited GLP Constitution provision under Article IV, Section 2, paragraph k, which provides:
"Sec 2. Among others, a lodge is prohibited from performing the following: (bold supplied, Moderator).
"Par k. To hold Masonic intercourse with illegal or clandestine lodges or individual members thereof or recognize any entity purporting to be a Masonic lodge, unless it is a recognized subordinate lodge of a Grand Lodge with which the Grand Lodge of the Philippines has fraternal relations."
The GM also cited Article XVII, Section 22 of the GLP Constitution which provides that: "No Master Mason shall hold Masonic intercourse or membership in any illegal or clandestine lodge nor communicate masonically with any clandestine Mason."
Further quoting Our Ancient Charges and Regulations:
"VIII. You promise to respect genuine Brethren, and to discountenance impostors and all dissenters from the original plan of Masonry."
In an email comment made by Bro Ben Apacible, inspite of the GM circular 14 the affair will go ahead as planned and he continued:
"I only have one question: WHY? TALAGANG HINDI MAGKAKAISA ANG MGA MASON SA BUONG MUNDO. In the Philippines , today's masons can just rest on the laurel wreath of our forefathers. Todays masons can't be proud of what we have done to future masons.
May the GAOTU truly guide and bless all Filipino Masons withersoever dispersed."
As for GM MW Brother Gonzales: the motto of his term as GM and his exhortations emblazoned on the circular's official letterhead tells us to:
"Live More Masonically Towards A Better Society"
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
3rd Public Installation: Barasoain Lodge of Perfection A & ASR, 6 March
Barasoain Lodge of Perfection of the Bulacan Bodies in the Orient of Bulacan and Pampanga Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite will held its 3rd Public Installation of Officers last March 6, 2008, 3PM at Clark Museum, Clark Air Base, Angeles City.
The new set of Officers for Year 2008-2009 are as follows:
Venerable Master Bro. Enrico G. Salapong, MRS
Senior Warden Bro. Robert L. Blanton, MRS
Junior Warden Bro. Raymond M.T Rodriguez, MRS
Secretary Bro. Reynaldo M. Dionisio, MRS
Treasurer Bro. Luis G. Pineda Jr., MRS
Orator Bro. Jason S. Santiago, MRS
Almoner Bro. Rizaldy S. Liangco, MRS
Prelate Bro. Moises S. Roque, MRS
Master of Ceremonies Bro. Pablo R. Ochoco, MRS
Expert Bro. Ronnie M. Manuel, MRS
Assistant Expert Bro. Bonifacio S. Garcia, MRS
Captain of the Host Bro. Brummel J.A Magkasi, MRS
Tyler Bro. Peter Alexander S. Uy, MRS
SGIG for the Orient Ill. Bro. Juanito P. Abergas, 33' SGIG
Valley Deputy Ill. Bro. Pacifico B. Aniag, 33' IGH
Supervisor Bro. Faustino C. Garcia, 32' KCCH
The Installing Team were composed of Ill. Bro. Fernando V. Pascua, Jr.33' SGIG and Ill. Bro. Nerville P. Penalosa, 33' IGH as Installing Officer and Master of Ceremonies, respectively.
The Bulacan Bodies is composed of seventy-eight members coming from Blue Lodges of Bulacan, Pampanga and Tarlac. They meet every first Thursday of the month, 6PM at Templo Plaridel, Malolos Lodge 46, Sto. Rosario, City of Malolos.
(Via Email by Bro Faustino Garcia, GLPhils Yahoo Groups)
Congratulations to all officers of this Lodge of Perfection!
Pinoy Masons Worldwide
Monday, March 10, 2008
Installed Officers: Sierra Madre Lodge No 181, Paete, Laguna: 8 March
Officers of Sierra Madre Lodge # 181, Paete, Laguna last March 8, 2008.
The installed three lights were:
Generoso B. Cadawas -- Worshipful Master
Virgilio P. Cadang -- Senior Warden
Julius A. Hidalgo -- Junior Warden
Rod A. Adricula
Sierra Madre Lodge 181
Paete, Laguna
Masonic District RIV-B
(Via Email)
Pinoy Masons Worldwide congratulates all the officers, especially the three lights of Sierra Madre Lodge No 181. May they have a fruitful Masonic Year!
Grand Lodge of the Philippines: ANCOM 2008, 24-26 April
Logo design courtesy of Bro Roger Panganiban, All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2008
If you are going to the Ancom 2008 and don't have reservation yet on your hotel accomodations, please visit the website and contact the Ancom secretariat for more details.
We have an ExeCom meeting last night and as of yesterday; March 7, 2008, there are 1,200+ rooms that are already been reserved/paid for by the Ancom delegates.
If you are arriving by plane, the New Silay-Bacolod Airport is about 20kms from Bacolod City. We have put up an Ancom info kiosk at the airport for your convenience. We have transportation assigned at the airport starting April 22 that would bring you to your respective hotels.
If you are arriving before that date, there are private vans (NYALA), that charge P100 pesos per person. Taxis on standby charge P500.
If you are arriving by SuperFerry or fastcrafts, the Ancom 2008 site is less than 100 meters from the Bredco Port.
Logo design courtesy of Bro Roger Panganiban, All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2008
For the PinoyMasons Egroup, the "Mata sa Mata", I suggest that it will be held at the poolside of the Bacolod Pavillion Hotel (Ancom 2008 Site) on the 23rd April. Food and drinks are readily available at the poolside at a minimal cost.
I'll be the one to print the slogan, that would be decided by the group, in a 3" x 8" tarp. See you all in Bacolod..... .!
Ernesto S. Salas Memorial Lodge #280
Masonic District RVI-B
Bacolod City
Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of the Philippines"
Sample proposed PinoyMasons logos courtesy of and designed by Bro Roger Panganiban,
All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2008.
Past Masters' Night: Silver Gate - Three Stars Lodge No 296; 14 March
On behalf of all the Officers and members of Silver Gate- Three Stars Lodge No. 296, of San Diego, CA. I would like to invite you to our Annual Past Masters' Night.
14 March 2008, 6:30 PM
Silver Gate - Three Stars Lodge Temple,
3795 Utah Street, San Diego, CA 92104.
We will be raising Bro William Martinez to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. Lodge will be open by the Lodge Officers at 6:30 PM and will turn over to the Past Masters for the ceremony.
Fellowship and refreshments after the ceremony.
WB Carding Edra
SGTS #296- Master
Venezuelan Grand Master: MW Francisco "Paco" Pereiro Liz Murdered

In an email by Bro Kenneth Tieng and as published in various blogs; the following sad news was compiled:
Let us pray and offer our condolences to the family, friends and our Venezuelan brethren on the untimely death of our brother, the Most Worshipful Francisco "Paco" Pereiro Liz, Grand Master of Masons of the Grand Lodge of the Republic of Venezuela.
According to various reports, MW Francisco was "shot dead during an attempted kidnapping" 6 March 2008 at his coffee farm in the city of Barqisimeto. He received two fatal gun wounds at about 6 PM Venezuelan time.
Again our deepest condolonces and pray together with all Freemasons worldwide that he did not die in vain.
"6 Remember him—before the silver cord is severed,
and the golden bowl is broken;
before the pitcher is shattered at the spring,
and the wheel broken at the well,
7 and the dust returns to the ground it came from,
and the spirit returns to God who gave it."
Friday, March 7, 2008
Elected Officers for MY 2008: Naga City Lodge #257
WORSHIPFUL MASTER: Froilan Navarroza
SENIOR WARDEN; Nyorlito P. Galvan
SECRETARY: Arthur Regala
TREASURER: Ben Villanueva
The lodge meets every 3rd Saturday of the month at 5:30 PM.
(Via email by Bro Henry Lim)
Congratulations to all elected officers! May you all have a wonderful and successful term.
Pinoy Masons Worldwide
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
1st Tigum "Kaliwat" Bolanong Masons Tibuok Kalibutan: 23-24 May
Dagohoy Lodge No. 84 of Tagbilaran City will be hosting the 1st TIGUM "KALIWAT" BOLANONG MASONS TIBUOK KALIBUTAN (1st Communication of Boholano Masons in the whole world) on May 23-24, 2008 in Tagbilaran City.
Lots of activity are programmed for this affair. Highlights is the Grand Master's Night on May 23.
All Boholano Masons or all Masons with Boholano ancestry and roots are invited to join in this first ever greatest event of our lives.
For more details contact the following:
WM Noel Mende 09189180018 and/or WB Noble Jun Ocang 09208948002
See you in Tagbilaran after the ANCOM 2008!
(Via email by WB Jun Bitor - Duero, Bohol: Salug Valley Lodge No. 216)
Monday, March 3, 2008
Pinoy Masons Eyeball at ANCOM 2008

Pinoy Masons' Worldwide will have a "no host" get-together or "eye ball" on the 23rd and 24th of April 2008, during the start of 92nd Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines at Bacolod City, Philippines.
This was proposed by various members of the worldwide Yahoo Group, totalling more than 800 members worldwide. Most of the attendees will be from the Philippines, but the "virtual organizers" are hoping that Pinoy Masons' members from overseas will avail of this opportunity to meet and greet fellow members.
For more information regarding the ANCOM 2008, click main title or here. The host lodge/district has designed an excellent website for prospective attendees of this annual conventions of GLP Masons.
Members are still discussing the motto of the group, but will definitely sell T-Shirts with the final logo and motto of this worldwide Pinoy Masons' Yahoogroup. The funds raised will be donated to charities as planned by Bro Ian.
"Pinoy Masons - Try Me!" is one the most popular suggested motto of the group. Others are as follows (from the poll set up by Bro Kenneth):
I am a PinoyMason Tried and Proven
I am a PinoyMason Try Me by the Square
I am a PinoyMason Try Me
PinoyMasons, Brothers wherever we are
Men at work. Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.
PINOYMASONS - we do good things better
PinoyMasons - The Universal brethren
I am a PinoyMason - The Universal Brother
We are brothers forever, whenever, wherever....ePinoyMasons Your vote is shown above.
Per Bro Ken, "you can change your vote until the poll is closed."
Bro Benjamin Brown Drops Working Tools: 9 February 2008
"Our brother BENJAMIN BROWN dropped his working tools around 8am of February 9, 2008.
One hour later his body was cremated. Ashes (will be) flown to Manila in a later date. Bro Ben is the father of Bro George Brown of King Solomon Lodge."
Brethren, I ask your prayers for our brother. Requiem eternam.
(Via email by Bro Joel Porlares, Muog #89 NCR-G, Paranaque City).
So Mote It Be!
Our prayers and deepest condolences to the family and friends of our late Brother Benjamin Brown, especially to our Bro George Brown.
Pinoy Masons Worldwide
34th Public Installation of Officers: Andres Bonifacio Lodge #199, Quezon City: 29 Feb 2008
Elected Officers for Masonic Year 2008-2009 are as follows:
Worshipful Master - Gregory B. Bogñalbal
Senior Warden - Eleuterio S. Logronio, III
Junior Warden - Stephen S. Sevidal
Treasurer - Alejandro G. Friaz, Jr.
Secretary - Noel R. Loyola
Auditor - Juanito R. Angeles.
(Info via email by Bro. Noel Reinoso Loyola at
Congratulations to all installed brethren, May they have a fruitful Masonic year.