GLP Masonic District R III-C (Olongapo/Zambales) District Deputy Grand Master, Very Worshipful Bro Tomasito "Tom" N. Angeles appointed Brother Dennis Delos Santos, SW of San Marcelino Lodge #380, permanent chairman of District R III-C community service committee and to head the Botolan calamity relief efforts.

Kuyang Dennis immediately formed the very 1st Masonic District R III-C Disaster Management Group headquartered at Unity Masonic Temple (SBMA) and called an emergency meeting on the evening of August 7 (Fri) to discuss relief efforts for the victims of Botolan, Zambales calamity.

The morning of Aug 8 (Sat) numerous relief goods poured in and several volunteer brothers, sisters and DeMolays mechanized their working tools and immediately packed relief good packages and worked until 11 pm and some around 3 a.m. The generous Brethren and Sisters donated sacks of rice, boxes of canned goods, boxes of noodles and cookies and cash donations along with boxes of used clothings.

On the morning of Aug 9 (Sun) at 7:00 a.m, Chairman Brother Dennis Delos Santos gathered the brethren and sisters and gave briefings to the situation of the flood victims and Marshalls took lead of the convoy with approximately 20 caravan vehicles to Botolan, Zambales.

MD R-III-C Disaster Management Group along with sisters of the Rebecca Parish Chapter Order of Eastern Star, Knights of Western Luzon Bodies, A&ASR and Nobles of Mabuhay Shrine Oasis all in Olongapo, distributed relief goods to approximately 300 flood victims housed in Bocao Elementary School and Porac Elementary School.

To quote what Kuyang Dennis said, "The relief operation was very successful due to your support in this noble endeavor. We did not only help the needy but we also proved the we are true to our mission to serve, to aid and to assist the community, thank you very much".
Yours in community service,
Brother Dennis Delos Santos
MD R III-C Disaster Management Group
Sincerely & fraternally,
Jerry Azurin Sr.
Ass't Moderator Pinoymasons YGroup
Unity 285, Olongapo City
[As reported via email]
The assistance given to the Botolan flood victims by the Zambales Masonic district is very commendable under the leadership of VWB Tom Angeles, DDGM. Mga Kuyang ng Zambales I'll do my share when I get there Sep 2.
Manny Amagna Leander,
PM Malolos Lodge #46
Zambales Lodge #103
T. R. Yangco Lodge #351
Hometown:Castillejo s, Zambales
Location: Delano, Ca
Mga Kuyang,
I would just like to thank the [anonymous]Brother who helped my parents out when they were stranded in Botolan, Zambales during the height of the typhoon that left parts of the town flooded.
They were parked on the side of the road when the Kuyang approached their car. I guess the
Kuyang saw the decal on my parents' car and asked who the Mason was and my mom pointed to my Dad.
The Kuyang took them in and that'swhere my parents spent the night. To you Kuyang, maraming, maraming salamat po.
Bro Alvaro "Gus" Hurtado
Okinawa Lodge #118
HT: Iba, Zambales
CL: Okinawa, Japan
[Moderator's note: This may not be directly related to this post, but very close and of utmost importance and pride to the brethren of the district. The anonymous Kuyang might read this someday.]
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