Monday, August 31, 2009
St John The Baptist No 362 Golf Tourney: 22 Oct
The event will be held at the NORTHWOODS GOLF COURSE, San Rafael, Bulacan on 22 October 2009; tee off time is 6 am [SHOTGUN], tickets at Php 1,500 for members, 2,500non-members.
All brethren who are golf enthusiast and are willing to spend a goodtime with fellow masons are most welcome.
Jojo De Onon
Silanganan 19
Batasan 381
Silanganan Lodge No 19: 101 Years: 12 Sept
A swimming event, basketball games, etc. are lined-up including a BINGO BONANZA with prizes totalling Php 50,000.00.The event will be held at the Celebrity Sports Plaza, QC on 12 Sept 2009 starting at 8 AM.
Dinnertime, a formal program will be held with VWBro Conrad Lee of the Bureau of Internal Revenue, Large Taxpayers Dept Head as our guest speaker. Also in attendance will be our Worshipful Master, WBro Wilfredo Reyes, our lodge officers and members and their families.
A year book is also beeing prepared to commemorate all the activities of the Lodge.
Jojo De Onon
Silanganan 19
Batasan 381
FilMasons NSW Induction: 26 Sept
With the election of Bro Louie Reyes as President of "The Club" [aka Filipino Masons Association of NSW, Inc - FilMasons NSW], the club announces its induction of officers this coming fourth Saturday, 26 September 2009, 6:30 PM at Concord RSL & Community Club, Nirranda St, Concord West NSW 2138.
The attire is smart casual [no jeans for gents please, after five for the ladies] and the ladies [The Amasons - Asawa ng Masons] are suggesting a Mediterranean/Middle eastern theme. I am sure there is a surprise number coming from the ladies!
Aside from Bro Louie, Vice President elect is Past President [PP], WBro Romy Nieto, Treasurer is PP Bro Manny Santos and Secretary is PP Bro Mario Baylon Jr. Other appointed officers are yet to be announced by the incoming President.
Tickets are now available for $35 per person. Aside from a buffet dinner, there will be lots of dancing and fun throughout the night.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I am glad to announce to you that the official website of BIRTH, Inc. is now up and running.
Please visit for more details.
Birth of BIRTH, Inc.
In the early part of the year 2000, a small group of BIR employees who were all MMs would meet in the office of VW Bro Percival T. Salazar after office hours and have fellowship until the rush hour traffic had eased off. News travelled fast that MMs in the BIR regularly met and soon the number of attendees swelled. Everyone was pleasantly surprised to know that there were that many enthusiastic MMs in the BIR!
Many informal fellowships followed and on 06 October 2000 the 1st group fellowship meeting was held at Balanghai Restaurant located at Panay Avenue, Quezon City, with thirteen (13) Brethren and one (1) petitioner (RDO Rogelio C. Fermin) in attendance.
In due time, a proposal was made that MMs at the BIR join a Lodge as a group which was unanimously approved. The unanimous choice was Manuel A. Roxas Memorial Lodge No. 152 for reason of affinity as the Charter Members and pillars of said Lodge were BIR old-timers who had since either died or became inactive Members. At that same time, the Lodge was in dire need of Active Dual Members.
However, for one reason or another, the plan did not receive a responsive chord from some Officers of the Lodge and so it was abandoned. Instead the group decided to incorporate as a Masonic Club, hence the birth of BIRTH, INC.
Fraternally yours,
Nelzon P. Villanueva
High 12 Lodge # 82
Current Location: Quezon City
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
SoCal 2nd Eyeball: 29 Aug
We will have the EB2EB [Eyeball to Eyeball](Gathering) on Aug 29.
Location: Maharlika Café and Grill
1819 E Plaza Blvd
National City,CA
619) 477-6028
Cost: $9.00 –All you can eat [Families welcome]
Time: Lunch starts at 1300 (1PM)
Payment will be at the venue. For reservation, please contact me.
There will pins and t-shirts for sale [charity fund raising]. Pins are $2.00 t-shirts $11, XXL additional $2.
"It is not how long you live that counts but it is how you enjoy your life!!!
William Rabara "bradpans" Francia
Pinatubo Lodge #52, San Narciso, Zambales
South West lodge #283, National City, CA
Hometown: Sto Nino San Felipe, Zambales
Current location: San Diego, CA
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Bro Fred G McCaw, Jr: - 15 Sept 1940 - 17 Aug 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
MW Bro R Puno to visit Masonic District No. 49: 22 Aug
"Good Morning Brethren,
Please be enjoined to attend and welcome MW Bro Reynato Puno and his group in Tuguegarao Airport on Saturday, August 22, 2009 at 11:45AM.
From the airport, everyone will proceed to Gonzaga Lodge No. 66 Temple where a fellowship lunch will be served [to all of us].
Together brethren, we will make a difference, so join us in this very rare occasion to be with the MW Bro R Puno, PGM and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
Please pass on to the brethren in the district.
Thanks and may God bless us all.
Itawes Lodge No. 215
Piat, Cagayan
Via email by: Bro Cresencio Natividad
Bukidnon Freemasons on Ning
The Freemasons of Bukidnon, headed by its two DDGMs are inviting you to visit their dedicated social networking homepage.
The link is:
I hope you will enjoy your visit. Please add this page in your favorites for future reference.
Bro. EV Sicat
Mount Musuan Lodge No. 155
Malaybalay City, Bukidnon
50 Years in Masonry
Let us greet together VW Bro Benjamin T. Araniego Jr. who is celebrating his 50th year in the craft!
He was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on Aug. 17, 1959 at Dapitan Lodge No. 21.
Together Brethren!!!
Bro. Elmer Pinili
St. John the Baptist No. 362
Bocaue, Bulacan
Pinoy Masons Worldwide congratulates VWBro Benjamin T Araniego Jr on this momentous occasion worthy of emulation.
Silangan Commandery Officers Elected
Those Appointed:
Please take due notice.
Sir Knight Rolly Gange, KT
Silangan Commandery No. 93, KT
Grand Commandery of the State of Illinois
The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Illinois
Pinoy Masons Worldwide congratulate the members and officers; both elected and appointed, of the Silangan Commandery No 93, Knights Templar, of the Grand Commandery of the State of Illinois.
Well done Sir Knights!
Brethren and Sir Knights,
Congratulations to all the officers of Silangan Commandery No. 93!
I wish you all the best of everything for the ensuing year.
For those who have the time to do some reading, I have attached Stockton York Rite's July 2009 Newsletter.
Please take note that Stockton Commandery No. 8 will confer the Order of the Temple on 24 October 2009. This festival is normally held in either Vallejo or Sacramento, CA, and this will be the first time in 30 years that it is going to be held again in Stockton, CA. So, needless to say, this will be a big event for Stockton York Rite.
It goes without saying that Sir Knights who will be in the vicinity of San Joaquin Valley in October are most welcome to attend.
Have a great day and take care my brothers!
Alex V. Mendoza
San Joaquin Lodge No. 19
Stockton, CA
Grand Lodge of California
Hometown: Malolos City, Bulacan
Monday, August 17, 2009
SK WBro Tony Patricio Drops Working Tools: Aug 2009
The remains of the late SK Worshipful Brother Tony Patricio will arrive from Houston, Texas on the 25th of August and will be available for a 3 day viewing from the 26th to the 28th at 46 Cordillera Street, Quezon City.
A masonic rite may be performed on the 28th. He will be buried on the 29th.
For your information.
Bro James A Olayvar
Kagitingan Lodge No. 286
Makati City
We wish to offer our prayers and condolences to the family and friends of our Sir Knight, WBro Tony Patricio. May he rest in peace.
Pinoy Masons Worldwide
May magbibgay na ba ng masonic [funeral] rites? Bro Tony has participated and/or joined masonic [funeral] rites with me and it would therefore be a great pleasure and honor for me to perform the masonic funeral rites to this true and faithful brother.
Bro Mariano "Mar" Remoquillo, PM
I was informed that the brethren of Pintong Bato Lodge No. 51 (Bacoor, Cavite), of which Bro Tony was the Immediate Past Master, will perform the masonic funeral rite for him. However, I suggest be around and prepare to assist them just in case. Thanks.
Bro James A Olayvar
Kagitingan 286
------------------------ 23 June 2011 - Lest we forget... ------------------
Somewhere among today's posts was a story about Shifty of the Screaming Eagles. Tony Patricio was one of our very own, and I feel his passing away also deserves revisiting memories about him.
Sometime in the early 70's, as a segundo camote in the Pinoy Marines on cross training with the US Marines in Subic, I led a platoon that was to link up with some Yanks who were supposed to give us live ammo for a field session of combat zeroing techniques (part of the training protocol was nobody among the training participants were to carry live ammo while at Subic's Jungle Environment Survival Training [JEST]area).
Well, I didn't find any American at the designated spot but I soon saw somebody waving a red hankie while sitting on the edge of a high precipice above a raging stream. When my platoon reached him, we saw he was armed lightly but alone and his feet were propped over two ammo boxes which were right beside the dropoff. He asked for ID and made me sign some papers. As he was leaving on foot, I was left admiring his street smarts. He was alone in an insurgent infested area, but he was prepared. If he felt any danger, all he had to do was kick over the ammo boxes into the raging stream below and make a run for it. Then whoever had designs on the ammo would be left running after him at the same time looking for each of the ammo scattered among the rocks of the stream. Who would ever imagine I would meet that same grunt some thirty years later as Bro. Tony Patricio.
Bro. Tony was US Navy and was a warrant officer when he retired. He served in Vietnam and who knows where else. He said he was with logistics, but would not talk much about his service. I took him to task about what he was doing at JEST (alone at that) during ReconEx between USMC and Pinoy Force Recon guys (pretty hush hush in both worlds). He said it was a long story (and ended with a look that said, END OF DISCUSSION). But, wow, Bro Tony was one hell of a Mason-fellowship guy.
Both of us had this love affair with brewed coffee and home rolled cigars - and beer! We had this understanding, he brings all kinds of coffee grinds while I bring all kinds of tobacco leaf.
Everytime we meet at the Tree House (a run down nipa hut under GLP's Plaridel Temple old acacia trees), you will know that it was a fellowship with Bro. Tony around. There would be this bouquet of brewed coffee and the 'stink' of native tobacco wafting in the air, the mix would be like the smell of durian. Those who can stand the odors stay and partake of the different kind of beer that Tony would bring in addition to the local ones.
I once asked him which among the seats in the lodge line of progression he found most memorable. With a twinkle on his eyes, he says 'Junior Warden' and he would qoute - "to me was committed the superintendence of the Craft during the hours of refreshment and I was admonished that it was indispensably necessary that not only must I be temperate and discreet in the indulgence of my own inclinations but must also see to it that none of the Craft be suffered to convert the means of refreshments into into intemperance and excess". Wor Bro Tony Patricio, Past Master, Pintong Bato No. 51, GLP, Junior Warden Par Excellence!
I pray for his soul's eternal rest, but I also grieve that I will find it hard to meet another one of his mold.
Labong Lodge No. 59, GLP
Iloilo City
Bro Rodolfo Molina Drops Working Tools: 13 Aug 2009
Bro. Rodolfo Molina of Dr. Aurelio Mendoza Memorial Lodge No 283, MD RIX-A in Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay dropped his working tools last night, August 13, 2009 due to liver cirrhosis.
Brotherly yours,
VW Bro Nelson E. Wooton, PDDGM
Dr. Aurelio Mendoza Memorial Lodge No. 283
Masonic District RIX-A
Wadih Saab Chapter, Order of DeMolay
Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay
Pinoy Masons worldwide offer their condolences and prayers to the family and friends of Bro Rodolfo Molina. May he rest in peace.
No Host Fellowship 2009

Greetings Brethren!
I am pleased to inform you that last Thursday, August 13, 2009, a “NO HOST FELLOWSHIP” was held at Airport Juan, Airport Road , Pasay City. The first similar fellowship was held in March 2007.
The affair was attended by 51 brethren from the Grand Lodge of the Philippines [GLP], Independent Grand Lodge of the Philippine Island [IGLPI] and the Grand Logia National de Filipinas [GLNF].

It was an event which united the attendees who exchanged pleasantries, knew each other better and considered future activities of the same nature. The atmosphere was of harmony and mutual respect. It could be felt that deeply rooted in the hearts of the attendees were brotherly love, relief, truth, liberty, equality and fraternity. There was never a dull moment during the fellowship. Attendees transferred from one table to another taking this rare opportunity to meet and know others. It was a dream and a wish come true.

The suggestion of the next fellowship on the first week of December of this year was agreed upon. This time attendees will bring toys which will be distributed to an orphanage and share the spirit of Christmas with orphaned children on the second week of December.

The purpose and rules for future fellowships were likewise agreed upon to wit: NO HOST FELLOWSHIP
PURPOSE For Filipino Masons to meet in harmony, with mutual respect for one another and having a common denominator …. Brotherly Love, Relief, Truth, Liberty , Equality and Fraternity. It is not intended to discuss rituals, principles, internal affairs, conflicts and other concerns of the brethren’s respective jurisdiction/ obedience. It is not further intended to discuss religion and politics.
RULES 1. No speeches/discussion s about Freemasonry 2. No Masonic regalia, banners and the like to be worn or displayed 3. This is purely getting to know each other and fellowship
INVITATION To the Filipino Masons regardless of jurisdiction/ obedience who wish to attend.
I am likewise sharing with you pictures taken during this event. May the GAOTU bless and guide all Masons withersoever dispersed.
With my warmest fraternal embrace,
Bro. Ben Apacible
Kalilayan Lodge No. 37, Lucena City
Araw Lodge No. 18, Manila
[The moderator apologises that he can not publish all photos submitted due to space limitation.]
More pictures here, GLNF Multiply site.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Lodge 747 Fund Raising Picnic: 15 Aug
Bring your family and friends and join us in our Annual Lunch Picnic fund raising on Saturday, 15 August 2009 from 10AM-3PM. $8.00 Donation includes Magic Show, jumps, karaoke, DJ and plenty of food and drinks.
Address - Claude H. Morrison Lodge 747, 915 Saturn Blvd. San Diego, CA. 92154 (619)429-8410 .
Thanks for your support!
Bro. James Macasero
Claude H. Morrison Lodge 747
Thursday, August 13, 2009
VWBro Gonzalo Villarin, R.I.P. - 12 Aug 2009
He was a Master Mason for more than 50 years.
His body will be at St. Peters Chapel, Puerto Princesa City.
Bro Oscar L. Evangelista
[Via email]
We join the brethren of Palawan Lodge No. 99 in mourning [for] the death of our dear brother, VW Bro Gonzalo Villarin. May it be his portion to hear from Him who sitteth as the Judge Supreme those welcome words:" Well done, thou good and faithful servant. Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." Amen.
Radjah Indarapatra Lodge No. 387
Marawi City
Pinoy Masons Worldwide offer their deepest condolences to the family and friends of VW Bro Gonzalo Villarin. Our prayers are with you!
2nd Hot Sands Ceremonials: 22-24 Oct
The Mindanao Shrine Club will be conducting its 2nd Hot Sands Ceremonials on October 22-24, 2009 in Davao City.
Those interested to join, please contact the undersigned.
Floren Vic Lumo
Sarangani Lodge No 50
Davao City
Related post: 1st Hot Sands Ceremonials, click here and here.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Masons Cup 2009 Badminton Tourney: 22 Aug
We would like to invite you to the upcoming "MASONS CUP 2009 BADMINTON TOURNAMENT". A Fund Raising Campaign this August 22 ( Saturday ) at IMUS DRIVE AND SMASH BADMINTON CENTER - 4th floor LOTUS MALL, Imus, Cavite.
This will be joined by players/non-players Masons from different lodges. The activity will starts at 8:00am onwards. Please come and join us and support this event for the benefit of building DASMARIÑAS LODGE No 346 TEMPLE.
Hope to see you there mga kuyang and family!!!
Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth,
Bro. Roden "Den-den" Carungcong
Dasmariñas lodge #346
For more Info: pls call RAIZA # 0919-356-1970
BBL No 17 102nd Constitution Celebration: 14 Aug
Today [11 Aug], we, the members of Bagong Buhay Lodge No. 17 F. & A.M, under the grand jurisdiction of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the Philippines; is commemorating our 102nd Constitution Day and we rejoice on the founding of our Lodge more than a century ago.
In behalf of our Worshipful Master, WBro Antonio C. Paulite II, we cordially invite the brethren to celebrate with us this august event on August 14, 2009 at Primera Luz Filipina Lodge No. 69 F. & A.M Temple Binakayan, Kawit, Cavite.
There will be activities in the morning such as a motorcade, outreach program, and blood letting. In the afternoon, there will be a raising to the sublime degree of Master Mason and Stated Meeting.
The program proper starts at 8:00 P.M. Please wear Masonic attire. This is a double celebration for us as we are also celebrating the distinction of being adjudged "Most Outstanding Blue Lodge" in the whole Masonic District Region IV-A Cavite for MY 2008.
Mabuhay ang Bagong Buhay Lodge No. 17 F. & A.M.!
Mabuhay ang Masonerya!
Brotherly love,
Nathaniel "Nathz" S. Golla (Gol-ya)
Dasmarinas Lodge No. 346 MWGLP
Bagong Buhay Lodge No. 17 MWGLP
Fil-Canadian Cabletow Service Club, Inc.
Toronto Canada
CL: Cavite, Philippines
One Hundred and two [102] years na po ang Bagong Buhay 17! 102 years of struggle, survival, accomplishments and 102 years of making good men better. Brethren please join us in commemorating all the historic events that transpired in and out of our temple as we travel for more than a century.
Let me just add if i may, one of the highlights of the event is the video/documentary presentation of our very own producer/director/ filmmaker -- SW Joey Bernales. You heard me right brethren, a video documentary from 1907- 2009 will be shown nandito po lahat ang pakikibaka ng magigiting nating kapatid sa Bagong Buhay 17!
We are inviting brethren whithersoever dispersed to join us huwag na po kayong magdala ng kung ano man sagot po ni Bro Epak ang kulang, hehe he.
Brotherly love, Relief and Truth,
Brother Sernan S.A. Donacao
Bagong Buhay Lodge # 17
Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of F. A.M. of the Philippines
Current location: Rizal, Philippines
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
USS George Washington Fellowship at MOA: 12 Aug
The brethren onboard USS George Washington will have a fellowship with our GLP brethren on [Wednesday] the 12th of August, 1900 [7:00 PM] at Kainan sa Balanghay by Mall of Asia.
Any PINOYMASON in the area would like to partake and join this fellowship are welcome to come. You may contact Bro Martin Domingo 09227717771 or e-mail me for more information.
Sincerely & fraternally,
Bro EJ Angeles
Rising Sun Lodge 151
Dear USS George Washington Brethren!
If you have time please also drop by the NIDO FORTIFIED Science Discovery Center. I am heading the operations for the Science Center and Digital Planetarium. There will be entrance discounts for all servicemen on board USS GW as a part of their agreement with SM Mall of Asia.
Hope to see you tomorrow up to the 14th!
Bro. Doods Carballo
Cosmos Lodge #8
CL: MOA Pasay City
Botolan, Zambales Calamity Relief by Masonic District R III-C

Monday, August 10, 2009
VWBro Chop Ykalina summoned by the GAOTU: 10 Aug 2009
We regret to inform you that VW Bro Alipio "Chop" Ykalina of Kanlaon Lodge # 64 dropped his working tools at 2am Aug. 10 and will be brought to the Bacolod Masonic Temple this afternoon.
Details of the Masonic Funeral Rites and burial will be announced later.
WB Gil Joseph Octaviano III
Worshipful Master
Kanlaon Lodge # 64
Pinoy Masons Worldwide offer their deepest condolences to the family and friends of VWBro Alipio Ykalina. May he rest in peace!
Ill Bro Theonilo A Pala Drops Working Tools: 6 Aug 2009
Sadness reign in our valley... our Sovereign Grand Inspector General [SGIG] Illustrious Bro. Theonilo A. Pala, 33' dropped his working tools due to a tragic accident which cause his life while performing his duty as engineer of NAPOCOR.
Bro. Frederick S. Cerro, 32' MRS
Maguindanao Lodge No. 40
Mindanao Bodies , A & A.S.R.
Cagayan de Oro City
Please join us in praying for the eternal repose of the soul of our dear brother, ILL. THEONILO A. PALA, SGIG, Orient of Lanao, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Republic of the Philippines.
Maranaw Bodies, Iligan City
Lake Lanao Lodge No. 227, Marawi City
Radjah Indarapatra Lodge No. 387, Marawi City
VWBro Theonilo Ablon Pala is or was also the Lodge Secretary of Judge Valerio V. Rovira Lodge No. 259 of Iligan City. He is also listed as a Past Grand Historian, and under Grand Master MW Bro Jimmy Gonzales; he is also a member of the committee on research and Masonic Education, and also the committee on ritual and works of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines. He was also a Past Junior Grand Lecturer for Western Mindanao.
1st Eyeball Meet NorCal Pinoy Masons Video
Pinoy Masons - Northern California from Adiel Dimarucut on Vimeo.
About this video: This is shared by Bro Edwin Dimarucut of San Leandro Lodge No. 113 [hometown: Imus, Cavite], currently in Hayward, CA.
1st Annual Eye ball to Eye bal, August 8, 2009 at Blue Rock Springs ParkVallejo, Ca.
Here's more pictures on Shutterfly.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Mencius Lodge Website Launched
On behalf of Mencius Lodge No. 93, I would like to invite you to please visit our website:
This website was a project of our very own WM Lawrence C. Lao and was recently launched during our Charter Day & Past Masters’ Night last Sunday, 28th June 2009.
Best regards,
Bro. Richard Ching
Mencius Lodge #93
District NCR-A
Via email:
Jerome Ocampo Tan
Mencius Lodge #93,
District NCR-A Manila
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Agoo Lodge IMES
Welcome to Agoo Lodge [Under Dispensation], the newest Lodge in La Union.
We meet on the 2nd Friday of the month at 6:00PM, in the Tai Hao Restaurant, Agoo, La Union.
All brethren in good standing are welcome.
The lodge is an active supporter of the IMES and hosts educational evenings for the enlightenment of the brethren.
Respectfully and fraternally,
Peter D. White,
Chair of Masonic Education
SGTS 296 Past Master's Night 2009

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
12th Multi-District Convention, Samal Island: 25-26 Sept

The Freemasons of Masonic District RXI-B (Davao del Norte, Compostela Valley Province and Davao Oriental) -- of whom I am their humble District Deputy Grand Master -- will host the 12th South Central Mindanao Multi-District Convention at Camp Holiday Beach Resort, Caliclic, Island Garden, City of Samal, Davao del Norte (Samal Island) on September 25-26,2009.
This would be the first time in this part of the country that such a Masonic convention is held in the Island. That is why, we purposely asked the permission of the Most Worshipful Bro Peter U. Lim Lo Suy [Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines] that towards the night time of the first day (September 25, 2009 at 6PM), we shift the mood from the usual very formal Masonic plenary to somewhat "cozy" Grand Master's Fellowship Night dubbed as Hawaiian Night!!! And the dress code, of course, would be Hawaiian! or Beach Attire!!
Ang Amaranth po, ay magtitinda doon sa site ng maraming mapagpipilian na beach apparels so don't worry about stuffing your luggages. [The Amaranth will be selling various beach wear on site.]
Please view this short YouTube link for you to be able to get a glimpse of what we intend to offer to the delegates.
Although this is a convention of Masons belonging to the Southern Part of Mindanao (Regions 11 & 12); we are earnestly inviting the brethren from neighboring Regions; those from the other parts of the Archipelago and even the Masons from abroad.
Registration fee is PHP1,500.00 per person. For more information, please click here, or above link: [Southern Part of Mindanao].
See you in the Island Garden City of Samal!!!
Fraternal regards,
Senen "Jun" P. Abing, Jr., DDGM RXI-B
Bro Rene Adriano, Drops Working Tools: 4 Aug 2009
Our Brother Rene Adriano has reached the end of his earthly toils.
The brittle thread which bound him to earth has been severed and the liberated spirit has winged its flight to the unknown world. The silvercord is loosed; the golden bowl is broken; the pitcher is broken at the fountain; and the wheel is broken at the cistern. The dust has returned to the earth as it was, and the spirit has returned to God who gave it.
Soft and safe to thee, my Brother, be thy resting place! Bright and glorious be thy rising from it! Fragrant be the acacia sprig that there shall flourish! May the earliest buds of spring unfold their beauties o'er thy resting place, and there may the sweetness of the summer's last rose linger longest!
Though the winds of Autumn may destroy the loveliness of their existence, yet the destruction is not final, and in the springtime, they shall surely bloom again. So, in the bright morning of the resurrection, thy spirit shall spring into newness of life and expand in immortal beauty, in realms beyond the skies.
Until then, dear Brother, until then, farewell!
Roger Paulino, Jr.
Torrance University #394
William Rhodes Hervey #767
Los Angeles, California U.S.A.
Hometown: Cabanatuan City N.E.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
SGTS 296 Hiram Awardee 2009
Join me in congratulating WBro Ben Billena, PM (Past Potentate-Al Bahr Shrine, San Diego) for his selection as the Silver Gate - Three Stars Lodge 296's Hiram Award recipient for the Masonic Year 2009.
WBro Ben, you really deserve this prestigious award. Your hard work, contributions and dedication to the Craft and to the Lodge can not be measured. Well done my Brother, again, congratulations.
Carding Edra, PM
Silver Gate Three Stars Lodge No 296
San Diego, CA
"The Hiram Award is an award presented to a Master Mason who has served the Lodge and the Masonic Fraternity with devotion over and above the ordinary. It is the highest honor other than being Master of the Lodge that can be bestowed on a member of a Masonic Lodge.
The award consists of a Certificate and a Medallion. The Medallion has the Square and Compass with the letter G in the center all of which are encircled with a Laurel Wreath. Around this are the words "Hiram Award, Dedicated Service." The back of the Medallion has a representation of the Seal of The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of California."
According to Bro Walter L. Kemmerer, long time member of Los Angeles Harbor (formerly San Pedro) Lodge No. 332; Consultant to the Grand Lodge Film and Ceative Projects Committee and the originator of Hiram Award:
"The first Hiram Award was presented by Worshipful Vern L. Belcher at San Pedro Lodge No. 332 F. & A.M. on February 8, 1964. The recipient was Past Master, 1932, Andrew D. Miller, Jr. It was held in the lodge room for Master Masons only.
"The question arises as to who shall receive the highest award Grand Lodge and Blue Lodge can bestow upon a brother. The answer is a worthy Master Mason. How many should a lodge have in one year? The answer is one per year. It should never be a secret presentation.
"Also, the candidate must be notified once he has been selected to receive the Hiram Award so that he can invite his friends and relatives. Some have traveled from the [US] East Coast to attend a presentation. There was a case where two sisters and a brother came from the East Coast to see their brother receive the award and they had not seen him for 32 years.
"There shall never be more than one Hiram Award presented in one evening and no other presentation should be made. Positively, never two or three at the same time. In one case we heard of a lodge having eight in one evening. Remember, brethren, this is a solemn event and when you have more than one you take away from the very reason you are honoring a brother with the greatest award his lodge can give - it is his night and his night alone."
"Midnight Mission" for LA Lodges

To offer a bridge to self-sufficiency for homeless people through counseling, education, training and job placement.
Australian Lodges Participate in National Tree Day: 2 Aug

According to Blacktown City Council's web site:
"National Tree Day is Australia's largest community tree-planting event which has seen over 2 million volunteers plant over 13 million native trees and shrubs. This result has been achieved through the efforts of many local Councils, schools and community groups who have supported the event over the years."
In conjunction with Planet Ark, the 14 year old event helps to "improve the local environment and contribute" to one of the City's and Australia's best features - bushlands and trees.
This is what Past Master WBro Peter Galacio has to say about the event via an email:

"Brethren, families and friends of Lodge Education No. 814 and Lodge Star of Australia No. 200, you all deserved acclamations and monumental "thank yous" for the great effort you've done in Everton Park last Sunday morning.
Some might view it as a huge efffort and some will think of it as nothing. But "YOU'VE MADE A BIG DIFFERENCE!" You have given back something to our community; you have improved the biodiversity and aesthetic aspect of the park [in the future] and most of all you've taken the critical steps to alleviate the environmental crisis through your fraternity.
Some of you were surprised that members/staff of the sponsor [Toyota] asked what's your organization. Maybe they lack the knowledge of Freemasonry as a fraternal organisation, [as a reminder our group was booked three days ahead of the event]but you've given them a very positive introduction to our great fraternity.
Part of the delegation: Young Sheryl and Rachel shown here planting some of the tree saplings.
Some brought along your grandkids, sons, daughters, relatives, friends and partner. Justin; probably 5 years old is the youngest in the group and who knows who is the oldest. You've imparted that noble virtue of volunteering to all especially to the hope of the future, our youth.
Brethren, as you have happily shown your emblem with Masonic action to make a difference, "LET'S MAKE IT BIGGER IN THE FUTURE!""
Fraternally yours,
Peter B. Galacio, PM
Lodge Education No. 814
Monday, August 3, 2009
Silangan Commandery No 93 Charter Conferred
With much joy, I am very happy to inform you that today, August 1, 2009, Silangan Commandery No. 93 was conferred its charter during the 153rd Grand Conclave, of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of the State of Illinois.
Silangan will be known as the first full commandery in the USA envisioned by Brothers Freemasons of Filipino descent. Those who attended the conferral for Silangan were:
Sir Knight William Howard Brown, Eminent Commander during Dispensation
Past Right Eminent Grand Commander, Grand Commandery of the State of Illinois, Sir Knight John T. Riedas, Jr.
Recorder, Oak Lawn York Rite Bodies, Past Right Eminent Grand Commander, Grand Commandery of the State of Illinois, Sir Knight Vicente Cabrera, Recorder during Dispensation
Sir Knight Toy Paclibare
Sir Knight Diosdado Erandio
Sir Knight Mark Barquez, Color Bearer during Dispensation
Sir Knight Cris Clemente
Sir Knight Jimmy Alcantara
Sir Knight Lope Hilado, Treasurer during Dispensation
Sir Knight Ben Mendoza, Warder during Dispensation
Sir Knight Rolando Gange, Generalissimo during Dispensation
Via email:
Bro. Rolly Gange